Dear Wellesley Students,

I hope you had a nice break last week and found time to connect with friends and loved ones. This time of year is a great time to remember the things we are grateful for. To quote Rhonda Byrne, “There is always something to be grateful for”. Some days it’s a hot cup of tea or a friendly smile, other days it’s learning something new or a big accomplishment. In Student Life we are grateful for every single one of you and all the vibrance you bring to campus.

Thank you to all the students who received their booster by the deadline, we are looking forward to a healthy spring semester together.  Those of you who received their booster off campus, please remember to upload it to your patient portal.

Finals week is coming (December 19-22) and though it is important to buckle down and study, it is just as important to take breaks in the midst of studying. Please check out the link Student Finals Resources for upcoming support.Take note of all that the PLTC and other offices have to offer now and during exam time.

We know that taking time to relax, refresh and rejuvenate enhances focus, productivity, and overall academic performance and well-being. Be sure to take advantage of The Take A Break calendar of events supported by the Wellness Outreach Collaborative, including the Office of Student Wellness, Stone Center Counseling, PERA, ORSL, OSI, the Paulson Initiative, Botanic Gardens, PLTC as well as other partners on campus.

Another great resource in advance of finals is the Stress Relief Tips for Finals.

We will be rebooting the Student Life Advisory group for the spring.  The SLAG (Student Life Advisory Group) meets a few times a month with Dean Horton and Dean Montagna and other senior leaders to talk about life on campus. It’s an informal group but many find it helpful to sit together while we listen, discuss and learn from one another.  Please fill out this form if you are interested in serving.

Enjoy your weekend,

Sheilah Shaw Horton
Vice President and Dean of Students