Dear Students,

Welcome back to campus! I hope you enjoyed your break and found some down time time with loved ones. Student Life has been busy preparing for your return and are gearing up for an active spring semester! Be sure to check out all programs and events that will be happening across campus.

As always, here is some important information to help kick off your first week back.

Covid Booster
If you have not already done so you must submit evidence of this booster. This is mandatory for all students enrolled for the  spring ‘23 semester. Students must upload evidence of their booster shot in Patient Gateway.

Covid is still here so let’s be safe
1) Plan ahead and keep some rapid tests in your room. You can get them from your insurance company or from the government. (

2) The testing center has been open every day this week. Check the schedule in the toolbox for the schedule moving forward.
3) If you have concerns and are feeling symptomatic, wear a mask until you can get tested.

4) We want to be mindful of the immunocompromised students so please be careful to test whenever you think you might need to do so and wear your mask whenever you are in large groups or may be in the presence of people you do not know.

As the social life increases, especially interacting off campus, please do your part to keep yourself and our community safe.

Academic information
As you start the semester the Class Deans want to remind you of a few things:
Don’t forget to double check the grading basis for all of your classes on Workday. Please read and be sure you understand the policy related to Credit/Non-Credit. The deadline to change your grading basis (that is, select letter grading or credit/noncredit) is Friday, February 17th at 11:59 PM.
The deadline for adding a class is February 3 at 11:59PM.
The deadline to drop a Spring 2023 course is Friday, February 17th at 11:59 PM.
Please double-check all dates & time deadlines using the Academic Calendar.
If you need help, reach out to an Academic Success Coach (ASC) using TracCloud or contact them directly at For personal support, reach out to your Class Dean.

The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life Information
Notify faculty about a missed class due to Religious Holiday Observance:

Students should use the Religious Observance Notification Form to inform faculty that they will be missing class during religious holidays. This form does not take the place of students following up with their instructors to make arrangements for any work they may miss during their observance. The student notification form deadline for spring semester is Monday, February 6, 2023.

Please fill out the form and speak with each instructor in advance of any missed class. For more on Wellesley College’s religious observance policy and the multifaith religious observance calendar, visit ORSL’s website. For questions or concerns, please contact Dean Jackie Marquez in the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at

Need a free ride into the town of Wellesley during the week? Be sure to check out the Catch-Connect transportation service.  You can use this transportation service to get to doctors appointments, run errands, grab a bite, etc.

We hope you had a great first week back and are planning for a successful 2023!

Sheilah Shaw Horton
Vice President and Dean of Students