Dear Students,

As students prepare to go on spring break, the daffodils are sprouting. They bring hope and remind us of brighter days ahead. We need that hope. It has been a very busy couple of weeks. Dean Montagna and I have been meeting with students in small groups and individually to process their thoughts and feelings about the college government ballot initiative, student sit-ins and the president’s letter.  As we told each of those groups and we want to tell you all now, we support every student on this campus. If you are here, you belong here. Let’s keep talking.

By now you have also received the email from Piper Orton regarding our plan to end testing on campus. Currently we are aware of three Covid cases on campus.  It is hard to believe that it has been three years since March 2020, when the College announced the shift to a remote academic program due to the pandemic. We have used many different strategies over these three years to educate you on how to keep yourself and our community safe. You know what to do and indeed you have been successful.

As students return from Spring Break, the testing center will remain open with expanded availability through Friday, April 15 at 4 p.m. Then the testing program will close. Students will continue to be able to access symptomatic COVID-19 testing at Health Services 5 days a week throughout the spring, summer and fall. Rapid tests will also be available for sale in the bookstore. If possible, you should consider keeping a test kit in your room. Masks will remain available in a limited supply for students in financial need through Residential Life and other offices on campus. The policy on masks in the classroom has not changed.

I hope that you have plans to rest and rejuvenate during spring break. Sometimes difficult conversations happen during spring break. I want to make sure that you are aware that during the break the ProtoCall after hours service will remain available 24/7 to all students, regardless of where in the US they are located. One can access the after- hours support at 781-283-2839 #1. Also, the Counseling Service is open during spring break and available for counseling support for those on campus or in Massachusetts, and available for anyone for a clinical consultation.

The Pinanski Teaching Prize nominations open Monday, April 3 so start thinking about how you can honor your teachers by nominating them for this annual award.

Have you considered nominating a student leader for the Camellia awards?
The nominations for the 2023 Camellia Student Leadership Awards are happening now. Established in 2018, the awards honor students who demonstrate exemplary leadership through active and sustained engagement on campus and in the broader community. Nominations for this year’s awards will be open until April 2.

Finally, let me draw your attention to important information the College shares each year: an update on changes to the comprehensive fee, which is set and approved by the Board of Trustees. Please note that students who currently receive financial aid should expect their out of pocket expenses to remain consistent (unless family circumstances have changed), and families of students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents not currently receiving aid may apply for financial aid at any time during their Wellesley education. Financial aid packages for the coming year will be sent to you by Student Financial Services (SFS) beginning in late May. If you have questions about financial aid eligibility, please contact SFS.

Have a restful and safe spring break. We look forward to seeing you refreshed when you return!

Sheilah Shaw Horton
Vice President and Dean of Students