To: Wellesley College Faculty and Staff
From: Carolyn Slaboden, Chief Human Resources Officer
Re: Resources to Confront Racism and Promote Inclusive Excellence at Wellesley
Date: June 10, 2020
During this time of political and social awakening, it is exciting to see so many in our country and our College working to confront racism. As highlighted in President Johnson’s message to the Wellesley community last week, we acknowledge the pain and anger in our community about the killing of George Floyd and the other countless examples of violence towards Black Americans. We must act to confront this systemic racism in our country and to find ways to make Wellesley a more inclusive community.
We hope the following resources will help us engage as a community in a dialogue about strengthening the College’s commitment to inclusive excellence.
Workshop: Power & Privilege
While there seems to be a greater awareness of privilege and power, many are still left wondering how, on an individual level, these two concepts impact day-to-day life and interactions, especially in the workplace. This virtual workshop will focus on the relationship of privilege, power, and oppression and how we can increase awareness of our own privilege in the workplace.
This program is open to all employees, but limited to 40 participants to foster stronger and thoughtful conversation. We will continue to offer additional sessions of this program based upon demand. Learn more about the Power & Privilege virtual workshop and our continuing series of Community Conversations.
Date: Thursday, June 18
Time: 2–3 p.m.
Location: Virtual Workshop
Speaker: Robert Amelio
About the speaker: Robert Amelio has worked in the areas of diversity and inclusion, human resources, and organizational development for many years. Most recently he was the Director of Diversity and Inclusive Excellence at Emerson College. He previously served as the Vice President of Diversity and Talent Development at Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, and Director of Diversity and Development at Harvard Medical School.
Additional Resources for All Employees
- “The Lens of Systemic Oppression,” National Equity Project
- “Strategies to address unconscious bias,” UCSF Office of Diversity & Outreach
- “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack,” Peggy McIntosh, Wellesley Centers for Women
- “The 1619 Project,” The New York Times Magazine
- “Reflections on Cultural Humility,” American Psychological Association
- “I Am So Tired,” Robert Sellers, The University of Michigan.
- Video: “How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion,” Peggy McIntosh at TEDxTimberlaneSchools
- Video: “The Danger of a Single Story,” Chimamanda Adichie (TED)
- Video: “How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them,” Vernā Myers (TED)
- Video: “26 Mini-Films for Exploring Race, Bias and Identity With Students,” The New York Times
- Video: “Let’s Get to the Root of Racial Injustice,” Megan Ming Fancis (TED)
- Publications by Topic, the Wellesley Centers for Women
Resources for Managers:
- “How Managers Can Promote Healthy Discussions About Race,” The Harvard Business Review
- “How to Create an Open Dialogue and Really Listen,” meQuilibrium
- “How to be a Good Boss in Dark Times,” The Harvard Business Review
- “Leading During Traumatic and Triggering Events”
- “6 Steps to Building a Better Workplace for Black Employees,” Harvard Business School
- “How White Managers Can Respond to Anti-Black Violence,” Yale Insights
- “Check in on Your Black Employees, Now,” The New York Times
- Video: National Forum on Demonstrating Care for Black Employees