April 1, 2022
Dear Students,
Not an April Fool’s joke – Covid-19 is still here! Case counts of positive cases upon return from spring break is higher than we had hoped. We have approximately 25 students in isolation right now. Please be safe while you are socializing this weekend as this seems to be the place where spread is occurring. Therefore we’ve decided there is no change to policies for the coming week. We will revisit next week to determine if there is any community spread.
Policies prior to spring break will continue:
1) The guest policy that was established prior to spring break will continue to be in effect. Students are allowed to have guests per the previous policy. Guests must be masked at all times. See my prior letter for more details
2) Students must wear masks in the common spaces in the residence halls.
3) Students are required to test twice a week with pool testing. Please do not leave campus the day after your test until you receive the negative result because you may need to retest.
It’s allergy season! Many students are experiencing the change of seasons and it is common to get the sniffles. If you also get a sore throat, you should call health services because it might be Covid and you wouldn’t want to spread it.
Have you checked out the Wellness Newsletter? It has great information on wellness and strategies for managing the stress of midterms. Did you stop by the Wellness Fair yesterday in Tishman? Big Shout out to the students who helped. Also, yesterday was the International Transgender Day of Visibility – show your Trans sibs some love!
Soon we will begin our “Dinner with the Deans” program. Join me and another dean for a catered dinner to talk about life, about Wellesley and about you! Three dinners will be planned for up to 10 students. Check out this newsletter next week to sign up.
Looking for some fun activity on campus?
Check out these upcoming activities from OSI:
April 8 – Bingo sponsored by OSI in Tishman from 7-9pm
SBOG Events
Stay up to date on all things SBOG by following @sbogfrog on social media
April 2 – SBOG Night Live in Alumnae Auditorium, doors open at 6:30pm
April 9 – Roller Rink at the Schneider Tennis Courts from 1-5pm (sign-ups for a 45 min slot required)
Have a lovely weekend,
Sheilah Shaw Horton
Vice President and Dean of Students