To: The Wellesley College Community
From: Ravi Ravishanker, Chief Information Officer and Associate Provost; and Tara Murphy, Vice President of Communications, Public Affairs, and Global Engagement
Re: Intranet update
Date: September 16, 2024
We are happy to provide some updates regarding the College’s intranet and website governance.
Intranet availability
We encourage you to browse and explore the intranet, accessible via your Wellesley login. You’ll find links to tasks that are frequently accessed or time-sensitive, news, and events. In addition, we prioritized migrating all academic departments and programs over the summer. This means details about academic departments and programs—for example, honors, prizes, internships, and resources—are now found on the intranet.
Remaining content migration
Student Life and administrative department content is still available by searching We’re currently migrating these sites and will be reaching out to department contacts in the coming weeks. As part of the process, we are sharing advice on how to transition your policies and documentation for better organization and accessibility.
Final changeover date
We’ll send one more update later this fall once we have finalized the complete transition to the intranet.
Governance policy
In May, we shared the draft web governance policy for review and comment. We are now implementing this policy, and we encourage you to email your continued feedback and suggestions to us at
Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this process. If you have any questions or concerns, please email