After the Newhouse Center released their list of upcoming fall events, I got curious about the Concert Series. Voila! The magical music begins to play in September.
Being a once-and-always Medieval and Renaissance Studies Major, my ears perked up at the sounds of Musicians from Aston Magna performing early modern music. The group of four will delight the college with music from Monteverdi to Bach on September 26. Get that on your calendars now… seriously… now.
And while you have your calendar out, why not circle the following night? Friday, September 27th, is the Welcome Concert featuring Jazz-World Music by Wellesley’s own performers, including student groups like Yanvalou. The event is part of Family & Friends Weekend.
Later on in the semester, we have Charles Fisk performing Schubert and Schumann, a new opera, Odissi music, and more.
Most music classes at Wellesley require you to attend several on- (and off-) campus concerts, just as writing professors ask students to attend readings and lectures. I was always secretly grateful for this requirement: an opportunity to say, no matter how busy my schedule was, “I’m going to this.” I would go, and, regardless of genre, the music gladdened my heart and lightened my step and did all those cheesy, beautiful, transcendent things music does to a soul.
So I’m putting the Musicians from Aston Magna on my calendar and hope to bring my tattered copy of Donne’s poems to the concert next month.
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