Repost from Sakai: Water Molecules Take Over

One of the most fascinating things we talked about in lectures this week was how water is everywhere and how big of an impact it plays in our lives due to its chemical strucutre. We talked about water microscopically, particularly about the hydrogen bonds  form between the hydrogen (donor) and oxygen (acceptor). Now whenever I drink water or use water to wash, I keep thinking about the bent structure of water.

This may be weird or may be I’m just over thinking it, but when I’m drinking water, I imagine myself drinking down molecules of water. I don’t necessarily see it just as a clear liquid anymore that can hydrate me when I’m thirst. Similarly, when I am brushing my teeth and cleaning the bristle part of the toothbrush, I imagine bonds being broken between the water molecules when the water hits the bristle or in fact any part of the toothbrush. I can just imagine how a small amount of energy is being released when the bonds are broken yet I don’t see any part of the vigorous activity that water must be going through.

Additionally,  in my psychology class, we were all primed this week to see if we thought the clear water product at the end was disgusting if the different stages of the filtering process with different colors of the water is shown to the viewers. The water initially started out black and through the multiple filtering stages, we saw the color of the water become lighter and lighter until it became pure white, just like the water we drink. To me personally, my gut reaction was realizing how disgusting the clear water must have been even after through the many filtering processes. Now looking back, I can only see in my mind water molecules surrounding the other non-water molecules (impurities). During the filtering process, maybe the bonds between the impurities and the clean water molecules were broken since many polar molecules can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules? Then maybe the impurities were filtered off, leaving just the water molecules to bind to itself and to give it the clear color, which is the water we drink?

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