In Response to “Viewing CAMS 202 through the Lens of Gender and Sexuality”

I recently discussed Thelma & Louise with my screenwriting class. We read an article essentially calling it the last feminist film. The argument was made that films like Bridesmaids are not on the same artistic level ofThelma & Louise . While I believe Thelma & Louise is an important touchstone in feminist film, I also have to believe that films like Bridesmaids and The Hunger Games , which have passed the Bechdel test, play a role in normalizing the presence of women in film. Both of the films I mentioned have had mainstream success and feature strong female characters, which I think helps equalize the lopsided portrayal of gender in film.

Here are a few interesting links!
A list of films that pass the Bechdel test:
An infographic of women in film:

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