Resume questions you’ve always wondered but were afraid to ask

“I’m a first year student…can I include experiences from high school on my resume?”
You definitely can and probably should include high school experiences for the first two years of college. As you move through your college career, your high school experiences will gradually drop off and be replaced by college and summer experiences. The only reason you may keep a high school experience on your resume for longer is if it is something unique that is relevant to what you hope to do.

“When is my resume “finished”?
A resume changes periodically, particularly during your college years. It is an evolutionary document that changes as you have new work and academic experiences. It can also change depending on the person, company, or organization that will be reviewing it. It is a great idea to have your resume reviewed periodically by someone at the CWS and/or people you know in your field.

“Which is the best resume format?”
There is no one right format. There are samples on the CWS website and other resume sites. Look for examples that are clear, legible, and fit the information you are working to convey.

“Different counselors and advisors have given me different advice on my resume…what should I do?”
If you show your resume to ten people, you are likely to get ten different ideas. Your job is to listen to all of the advice, then choose what makes sense to you and what you think introduces you in the best possible manner.

“I’m a senior and I can no longer fit my resume onto one page; is it ok to have two pages?”
During college and for a few years beyond, you should always submit a one-page resume with your job applications. You may also have a longer version, particularly if you want to list publications, conferences, performances or additional specialized information. If you need to shorten your resume, consider taking off high school information, and experiences unrelated to your career goals or a few years old. Remember that a resume is NOT a list of everything you have ever done and won in your life; it is a selection of information that you are using to introduce yourself to someone.

You can have your resume reviewed by the CWS during drop-in hours, or by appointment. Counselors are available for drop-ins from 12:30 pm to 2 pm, Monday-Friday, when classes are in session. Visit MyCWS to see counselor appointment availability.

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