This past class was extremely interesting because each person got the chance to reflect on their art pieces and tie the art concept to science. In particular, I found the art pieces tied to cancer research very interesting not only due to content, but also intent. The content itself was inspiring, with swirls of what appeared to be DNA and genes wrapped around a boy aiming towards a bright goal. When the public views this picture, it may feel inspired, optimistic for the future and what it has to hold for cancer research. On another level, however, the art may serve as a stimulator for funding. Cancer, a multi-billion dollar industry, has been criticized as an industry recently that takes advantage of funds without actually progressing on finding a cure. Their have been articles that even say that there are motives for not finding a cure because a cure would put so many people out of work. This is not to discourage cancer research since cancer itself is such a debilitating disease with awful side effects, diagnosis, and treatment. The problem herein lies with funding and whether or not substantial progress is being made. I think that another interesting point that was brought up during class was whether or not art that serves more as an advertisement for funding purposes for science is actually classified as art. I’m not quite sure, but I think that art can serve many purposes and send any message, whether that message screams “fund me” or not.
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