MIT Museum

On Sunday, we all went to the MIT museum and presented our individual group projects. My group was in charge of the neurotransmitter, “Norepinephrine.” So, some of us focused on the “fight of flight” reaction. I focused on the fact that norepinephrine allows people to concentrate more and sharpers one’s senses. In order to demonstrate this, I took an image and then made it less focused and less focused.

This can be seen here:

Screen Shot 2014-04-30 at 8.42.23 PM

So, the first image, on the high left is the one that is the most defined and corresponds to having more norepinephrine in your system. The progression shows the lesser and lesser amount of norepinephrine that a person might have.

It was really nice setting up and explaining how norepinephrine works to the children and their families as they browsed the different exhibitions. The colorfulness of my images made children stop by and take a look and ask questions.

In addition, it was really interesting to see how the other groups approached their neurotransmitters and what they created. In general, it was a really fun and interesting experience that brought the semester to an end.


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