Learning Color

This week we learned that light exists as a photon particle and that the colors we see are products of absorption and reflection of certain photons. This was especially interesting to observe in the gummy bear experiment that we performed in class. While thinking about how we perceive color,  I began to wonder at what point in time do we become aware of color? Is it something that we always knew?

I came across an article called “Why Johnny can’t name his colors” which focuses on testing young children on their ability to distinguish between colors. The researchers found that many children usually between the ages of three and four, incorrectly identify colors when asked to look for a specific one in a line up. For example if the child is given the choice of three colors and asked to find “blue” he or she will more often than not pick the wrong color.

Does this mean that as children we are colorblind? Not according to the researchers. They found that color is as much a cultural phenomenon as it is a physical category. They also state that color is heavily reliant on language, which young children are still trying to grasp which could explain the inconsistencies in naming colors, not in the way the children see them.

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