Daniel Tammet is considered autistic. While some of his social skills are said to be compromised by this ‘condition,’ his cognitive and linguistic skills have been able to develop to a very complex system. He tells us that his mind works in visual arts, showing pictures, images and colors that represent numbers; performing complex mathematical equations and retaining unbelievable amounts of information.
To prove this intellectual phenomenon, Daniel accepted a challenge to remember 22,500 decimal places of pi and be tested in a live environment. For nearly six hours, Daniel was able to spew off the decimal places of pi without error. He describes his performance as having a certain association with each number and their correlated ‘experiences.’ By this, he means his brain ‘sees’ every number as a deeply rooted image, sound, or color. Scientists have found that this is called synesthesia, when two parts of the brain are connected that would not normally have interacted. This ‘synesthetic landscape’ is how he was able to remember so many decimals of pi – visualizing the image of pi and then recalling it, number by number.
This is a very interesting fusion of color and intelligence, where we see that color has a very distinct purpose in our lives and the functions of our brain. Perhaps as greater experiments are conducted and individuals with these capabilities are studied, we will learn how to foster this color-intelligence and access a whole new level of understanding.
To learn more, please visit the website below where you can watch a documentary on Daniel and his journey through the media and the studies which accompanied.