Final Reflections

This class was an interesting experience.  It was fun finding ways to represent various topics artistically and musically.  I especially enjoyed getting more practice with photoshop to make digital works, and drawing parallels between music and protein structures.

Before this, I hadn’t thought about how many of the qualities associated with scientists and artists (experimental, innovative, etc) are very similar.  It’s very interesting to me that two fields sharing many similarities are seen as being different in fundamental ways.  After our discussions, I’ve noticed more how the scientists I know regard artists, and vice versa.  It seems to me that many of them don’t have a full understanding of or appreciation for the other field.  I think that both groups would benefit from learning more about the other, both the similarities and the differences.  The scientific process is an extremely valuable tool, and artistic skills and philosophies are important for communication and understanding.  I think it would be nice if there were more opportunities for scientists and artists to discuss these things on a deeper level, so that there is a greater appreciation for both fields overall.

I think I will continue creating art inspired by science, and explaining science through art.  With any luck, I will be able to keep having such conversations about the importance of both fields 🙂

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