Goals for 2011-2012

In addition to the purposes of Wellesley College Government listed under Article II (pasted here), this year College Government has developed a set of goals we will be working on that best exemplify our mission to strive to promote and protect the rights and welfare of all students through action and communication with administration, faculty, staff, and trustees. These goals are listed below.*


  1. To provide a forum for the communication and expression of student views on campus life; to articulate student opinions on various issues to the faculty and administration; and to act as spokeswomen for the proposal of changes in academic legislation to the Academic Council.
  2. To promote and enforce the Honor Code.
  3. To administer the student activity fee.
  4. To assure the appointment, election and/or selection of students to college committees, offices and/or positions.
  5. To recognize and constitute campus organizations.
  6. To legislate where appropriate or share responsibility with the Administration of the College in the governance concerning all matters of student life.
  7. To present to the student body national and international issues which are of importance to Wellesley students in a comprehensive and nonpartisan manner.
  8. To produce comprehensive publications which provide valuable information for the student body.
  9. To ensure diverse and entertaining programming that is accessible to the entire student body.
  10. To address issues of sensitivity, diversity and cultural understanding and awareness in all aspects of student life.

-from Wellesley CG Constitution 2011

Goals for 2011-2012

  • Improve both external and internal Communication.
  • Utilize CommComm to revamp the College Government Website and make it an effective tool for providing information about CG Policies, events and history to the Campus Community and to external observers.
  • Utilize CommComm and Senators to promote an understanding of what role College Government plays on campus, through the use of promotional campaigns and materials (physical and electronic) that highlights the roles CG plays on campus.
  • Utilize the Wellesley News, WCTV, and WZLY to distribute information to students and to stay updated on the issues on campus. This includes continuing to post 60-Second Senate, the next week’s agenda, and CGP Letter in the Wellesley News.
  • Create a Senate Presentation Proposal system that allows Senators and students at large an opportunity to address issues and concerns in Senate.
  • Create a clear and concise Campus Calendar that will help improve event awareness and spamming.
  • Keep faculty and staff members informed of issues and actions undertaken in Senate.
  • Have Senators engage with their faculty members and others to gauge faculty and staff members’ opinions about on-campus issues.
  • Send Memos to Staff members to inform and engage them about relevant issues.
  • Make CG as efficient and transparent as possible.
  • Complete a review of all College Government committees by the end of the 2011-2012 Academic year.
  • Promote clarity in the Constitution by ensuring the CG Constitution is in keeping with national standards.
  • Transition individual committee constitutions into the bylaws of the CG Constitution by the end of the Fall Semester ‘11.
  • Use CGPC to research other frameworks of organization in order to ensure that we are providing the best service to the community operating with best practices.
  • Submit committee budgets for the year to the Bursar’s Office to ensure that funds are being used efficiently.
  • Use CGPC an CommComm to create and institutionalize feedback systems so that students have the opportunity to offer constructive criticisms and recommendations to College Government.
  • Act in an approachable manner and be present in the community.
  • Offer open Office Hours.
  • Visit House Council and organizational meetings.
  • Ask to be a guest at residential hall teas.
  • Stay positive and stay present in events and issues on campus.
  • Assess and incorporate student opinion on what College Government should be, and what CG should do to best serve the Wellesley College community.
  • Foster School Spirit
  • Use CommComm and Senators to advertise for school teams.
  • Work with PERA to increase outreach and improve attendance at events.
  • Use CGPC to research institutional history to incorporate in the CG Student Guidebook.
  • Advocate for student resources and representation on campus.
  • Work with existing structures to ensure that students have adequate and effective advising, as well as representation on integral College Committees.
  • Use communication and outreach to promote integral causes on campus.
  • Work to have a door installed for the CG office to protect private student information.
  • Promote student body interests at Academic Council meetings.
  • Work to create policies that address essential academic issues, including instituting a policy that ensures that students get feedback on final exams, papers and projects.
  • Improve community-wide programming.
  • Increase collaboration with faculty and staff members.
  • Implement Communi-Tea and Diversi-Tea ideas utilizing already existent systems.
  • Invite faculty departments and individuals to collaborate on events.
  • Foster professional and social relationships with faculty and staff members outside of the classroom.

* This list is subject to change as the needs of our community evolve. Please feel free to comment and offer direction as this list is only the beginning.

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