Author: Editor (Page 8 of 9)

Wellesley hosts NCWIT

Wellesley Hosted the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing Celebration, Emphasizing the Importance of Women Helping Women

Eni Mustafaraj and Takis Metaxas are breakout SCI Lip Sync stars

In what may be the first CS faculty appearance at the beloved event, Eni Mustafaraj and Takis Metaxas debuted at the 2016 Science Center Faculty Lip Sync in a performance of “Bad Self Portraits” with colleague Corri Taylor from Quantitative Reasoning.

12 students at CCSCNE 2016, Kasey Shen ’17 wins 2nd place

Twelve Wellesley students traveled to Hamilton College in New York state to present research posters and participate in the programming contest at CCSCNE 2016 on April 29-30.

  • Kasey Shen ’17 won 2nd place in the undergraduate research competition for her research poster on “Profiling Synchronization Patterns in Multithreaded Programs,” advised by Ben Wood.  Congrats to Kasey!
  • Whitney Fahnbulleh ’17, Amanda Foun ’17, and Diana Tosca ’18 presented their research poster on “Analysis of Video Watching Behavior in MOOCS,” advised by Eni Mustafaraj.
  • Cece Tsui ’18 and Jacqueline Young ’18 presented their research poster on “Improving Searching and Zooming in App Inventor,” advised by Lyn Turbak.
  • Elizabeth Hau ’16, WanYi Li ’16, Susie Carovillano ’16, Sunnia Ye ’17, Jessica Guo ’17, and Ye Eun Jeong ’16 represented Wellesley in the programming contest.
  • Lyn Turbak tagged along to meet Hamilton himself.

Great showing, Wellesley!

CS Faculty and Staff 2015-2016

Almost all the faculty made it to a faculty meeting at the same time!  Ellen Hildreth and Orit Shaer were off doing real work, but beamed in briefly to say hi.  The low-level hardware faculty were put in charge of the cold hard floor.

CS students present at Ruhlman 2016

The 20th Annual Ruhlman Conference on April 27, 2016 (program), featured talks, demos, and panels by a host of CS students.


The Ruhlman Explore Design Team (All Day)

Lauren Westendorf ’15, Computer Science and Asiya Yakhina ’16, Media Art and Science ADVISOR: Orit Shaer, Computer Science
Located in Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall Ballroom during the Ruhlman Conference:

Establishing a Voice: Attempts to Be Heard (Short Talks) SCI-377

Beyond Boobtube: From NBC to Google
Sarah F. Bailin ’16, Computer Science/Cinema and Media Studies; Tara Gupta ’16, Media Arts and Sciences 

BacPack for New Frontiers: An Interactive Museum Exhibit for Synthetic Biology SCI-104 (On-Location Presentation)

Rachel S. Kwon ’17, Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences; Vivien Chen ’18, Computer Science; Samuila (Sam) Y. Mincheva ’17, Computer Science

Cracking the Code: Computers and You (Short Talks) FND-120

Tutor-Complete: An Educational Game and Intelligent Tutoring System for Languages and Automata

Katherine A. Kjeer ’16, Computer Science

Observing and Designing Experiences of Collaborative Learning in Computer Science

Natalie R. Sayed ’18, Computer Science

GenomiX: A Novel Interaction Tool for Self-Exploration of Personal Genomic Data

Christina S. Pollalis ’16, Political Science; Liliana N. Westort ’18, Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences

Profiling Locking Patterns in Multithreaded Programs

Kasey Shen ’17, Computer Science 

MuSme (Panel Discussion) SCI-104

Amal Tidjani ’18, Undeclared; Priscilla A. Lee ’18, Computer Science; Eileen Cho ’16, Neuroscience

Twenty Years of Ruhlman Under the Loop of Data Science (Panel Discussion) PNE-239

Hannah Murphy ’19, Undeclared; Meredith McCormack-Mager ’16, Mathematics; Kate Kenneally ’18, Computer Science; Whitney Fahnbulleh ’17, Media Arts and Science/Chinese Language and Culture; Clara Sorensen ’18, Biological Science; Mary Ruth Ngo ’17, Computer Science; Aline Mitsuzawa ’18, Undeclared; Jacqueline L. Hom ’18, Computer Science; Anne Schwartz ’18, Computer Science; Nina-Marie Amadeo ’18, Computer Science 

2016 Senior Poster Fair

On April 13, the Class of ’16 CS majors presented to other students and faculty at the Senior Poster Fair.  This year’s graduating class includes 39 CS majors!

Sophomore and junior CS majors who attended and completed a questionnaire about posters were entered in a lottery for funding to attend the 2016 Grace Hopper Celebration.  Sarah May ’17 was the lucky winner.

Photos by Shirley Lu ’15

Wellesley teams excel at BALGORFEST, WanYi Li ’16 and Elizabeth Hau ’16 place first

Four Wellesley programming teams competed among 17 total teams from schools around the Boston area in the Second Boston Algorithm Festival on April 3, 2016.

  • WanYi Li ’16 and Elizabeth Hau ’16
  • Sunnia Ye ’17 and Jessica Guo ’17
  • Andrea Jackson ’18, Whitney Fahnbulleh ’17, and Diana Tosca ’18
  • Susie Caravillano ’16 and Ye Eun Jeong ’16

Wellesley teams nearly swept the contest, including placing 1st (WanYi and Elizabeth), 3rd (Susie and Ye Eun), and 4th (Sunnia and Jessica).

Congratulations to all the teams for this outstanding showing!

Photos by Lyn Turbak

Orit Shaer weighs in on women and games in Huffington Post op-ed

Beyond ‘Pink’ Games: Industry and Academia Must Work Together To Engage Women Gamers and Developers

CS faculty complete collaborative triathlon

CS faculty members Sohie Lee, Takis Metaxas, and Scott Anderson completed a collaborative indoor triathlon in Wellesley’s Givin’ it a Tri program on March 3, 2016, cheered on my CS students.

HCI Lab presents paper at TEI 2016

The Wellesley HCI Lab presented their paper  SynFlo: A Tangible Museum Exhibit for Exploring Bio-Design at the 2016 Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction at Eindhoven, in the Netherlands.

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