cp -al taking a long time

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Our backups on Puma have been taking a long time, finishing late in the day, almost in time for the next backup.  The problem seemed to be in the cp -al step, not in the rsync step.  I investigated, looking at how long the cp -al on each directory took, using code like this:

for a in `ls -A $from`; do
now=`date +%T`
echo "$now cp -al $from/$a to $to/$a"
cp -al $from/$a $to/$a

and the result looked like:

16:38:06 cp -al 2014-03-26/alice to today/alice
16:38:06 cp -al 2014-03-26/anderson to today/anderson
16:39:37 cp -al 2014-03-26/apache-tomcat-5.5.26 to today/apache-tomcat-5.5.26
16:39:42 cp -al 2014-03-26/appinvstats to today/appinvstats
22:59:14 cp -al 2014-03-26/appinv-stats to today/appinv-stats
22:59:14 cp -al 2014-03-26/btjaden to today/btjaden
23:11:11 cp -al 2014-03-26/compbio to today/compbio
23:11:12 cp -al 2014-03-26/cs to today/cs
23:11:24 cp -al 2014-03-26/cs110f11 to today/cs110f11

It finished at about midnight (so, less than 8 hours total), but essentially all of that time was in the appinvstats directory.

Sure enough, some subdirectories of that account had a *lot* of inodes.  Here are some useful references:




A count of the inodes:

ls -fR collectedStats | wc -l
ls -fR errorFiles | wc -l

So, about 1 million files/folders or inodes.

Turning these in to tarfiles would reduce these to two inodes.  There’s also a savings in space:

du -csh errorFiles errorFiles.tar
129G    errorFiles
106G    errorFiles.tar
du -csh collectedStats collectedStats.tar
11G     collectedStats
3.3G       collectedStats.tar

We’ll look at replacing these directories with the tar files.


About CS SysAdmins

The CS Department System Administrators
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