SHA-2 HTTPS Certificates

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I needed to renew the certificate for my server and the certificate request (CSR) needed to be 2048 bits and SHA-2. My server is a RHEL (RedHat Enterprise Linux) system, so there is a Makefile in /etc/pki/tls/certs that should do the trick. However, I had a devil of a time. Here’s what finally worked.

First, I added “-sha256” to the openssl command line in the Makefile. (Sha-2 is a family of cryptographic hash functions, and SHA-256 is in that family.) Here is the relevant entry in the Makefile:

$(CSR): $(KEY)
       umask 77 ; \
       /usr/bin/openssl req -sha256 $(UTF8) -new -key $(KEY) -out $(CSR) 

In the Makefile, there are lines that specify where the private key file is/should be and where the CSR file is/should be



It’s the private key that needs to be 2048 bits. I think I had one that was 2048 bits, but I think I also had an older one that was smaller (probably 1024). The .key file doesn’t label itself with its length, but I noticed that the two files differed in length:

root@tempest private] ls -l *.key
-r--------. 1 root root 1737 Apr 13  2014
-r--------. 1 root root  916 Jan 26  2014 localhost.key

The “make genkey” command said nothing needed to be done, but generating a csr using “make certreq” produced a CSR file that the signing authority rejected (too few bits). So, I edited the Makefile to point to the longer .key file and generated a new certreq. That one seems to have worked.


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