chsh for cs230 students

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When a student signs up for 230, she may already have a server account (if she took cs111) or not (if she placed out of cs111).  Thus, they fill out a form that asks whether the account exists or not.

If it exists, it will have been created with the shell as /usr/local/bin/scponly, and that needs to be changed to /bin/bash

The existing useradd_ldap script does change the shell, but only in LDAP, since it calls  Since we’re using the flat files, we need to *also* change it in /etc/passwd using the built-in chsh command.

Towards that end, I wrote ldapscripts/chsh-both, which just calls both commands.

I tested to see if it was necessary, using incantations like this:

[root@tempest tmp]# for acct in `cat cs230-2012-fall-saved-version* | cut -f1`; do echo $acct; done

To see what their login shell is on Tempest:

[root@tempest tmp]# for acct in `cat cs230-2012-fall-saved-version* | cut -f1`; do getent passwd $acct; done
mfeldman:x:5159:5163:Monica Starr Feldman class of Class of 2014:/students/mfeldman:/usr/local/bin/scponly
egrandje:x:5276:5280:Emily Grandjean class of 2015:/students/egrandje:/usr/local/bin/scponly
vbrown:x:5277:5281:Victoria Brown class of 2015:/students/vbrown:/usr/local/bin/scponly
glanza:x:5217:5221:Gabriela Alicia Lanza Class of 2014:/students/glanza:/usr/local/bin/scponly
vlin:x:5178:5182:Veronica Lin class of 2015:/students/vlin:/bin/bash
mokeefe2:x:5454:5454:Margaret O'Keefe class of 2016:/students/mokeefe2:/bin/bash

Some are /bash, but most, as expected, are scponly.  The bash ones are probably new accounts.  Here are the LDAP entries:

[root@tempest tmp]# for acct in `cat cs230-2012-fall-saved-version* | cut -f1`; do ldapsearch -x "uid=$acct" | grep loginShell ; done
loginShell: /bin/bash
loginShell: /bin/bash
loginShell: /usr/local/bin/scponly
loginShell: /bin/bash
loginShell: /bin/bash
loginShell: /usr/local/bin/scponly
loginShell: /bin/bash
loginShell: /bin/bash

Hmm. I wonder which are scponly?

for acct in `cat cs230-2012-fall-saved-version* | cut -f1`; do echo -n $acct; ldapsearch -x "uid=$acct" | grep loginShell ; done | grep scponly
ckeungloginShell: /usr/local/bin/scponly
elinloginShell: /usr/local/bin/scponly
[root@tempest tmp]#

Ah, right.  These two didn’t get their shells changed because I removed them from the list of accounts (bad passwords).  That was actually an error, since the password is ignored if the account exists.  (We need to modify the form to clarify that.)

Instead of looking at those files, I should look at /etc/accounts/cs230-2012-fall:

[root@tempest tmp]# for acct in `cut -f1 /etc/accounts/cs230-2012-fall `; do ldapsearch -x "uid=$acct" | grep loginShell; done
loginShell: /bin/bash
loginShell: /bin/bash
loginShell: /bin/bash
loginShell: /bin/bash
loginShell: /bin/bash

Much better.  Okay, let’s change their shells:

[root@tempest tmp]# for acct in `cut -f1 /etc/accounts/cs230-2012-fall `; do echo chsh -s /bin/bash $acct; donechsh -s /bin/bash mfeldman
chsh -s /bin/bash egrandje
chsh -s /bin/bash vbrown
chsh -s /bin/bash glanza
chsh -s /bin/bash vlin

That was just double-checking before I do anything that modifies the system.  Now:

[root@tempest tmp]# for acct in `cut -f1 /etc/accounts/cs230-2012-fall `; do chsh -s /bin/bash $acct; done
Changing shell for mfeldman.
Shell changed.
Changing shell for egrandje.
Shell changed.
Changing shell for vbrown.
Shell changed.
Changing shell for glanza.
Shell changed.
Changing shell for vlin.

Good!  That should take care of the problem.  I’ve modified useradd_students to use the new script, which is:

[root@tempest tmp]# cat /root/ldapscripts/chsh-both 

# Change the shell in both the flat files and in LDAP

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
   echo "Usage: $0 shell username(s)"


grep $shell /etc/shells > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "$shell not found in /etc/shells. Please check your syntax. First arg is a shell"

# First change the LDAP shell, since we will consume our args in the for loop

/root/ldapscripts/ $shell $*

# Now, iterate over the list and change the shell in /etc/passwd

for username in $*; do
    /usr/bin/chsh -s $shell $username




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