Printers Info Page

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cancel -a [will cancel all pending jobs]

lpc status [will give the status of all printers, including whether or not they’ve been disabled]

cupsenable minil [will re-enable minil if it’s been disabled]

Also, Scott thinks we have too many printers when someone goes to print. On gibbon right now, there are 6 options and they’re all good options. To make sure that others don’t have the long list of printers we should figure out how to configure cups to not search for so many options. But this is not high priority.

-Erin 9/20/12

Papercut updates:

You can print from tempest using papercut. From any of the client machines, you have been able to print to papercut for this whole year.

To do this, you can use lpr or a2ps

The printer is named Communityy if you need its name while printing.

-Erin 2/24/14

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