I switched the sshkeys for the new machines
mv /root/sshkeys/ballroom.wellesley.edu/ssh /root/sshkeys/iguana.wellesley.edu
and then check and make sure all the permissions are right in the files. And I removed all of the old, now empty directories.
and changed the names in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts. This file looks like puma, IP Address, other info that is probably a hash or hex of something. But I just changed names as I was going.
I then ran the part 2 script on gecko. It required a lot of root@gecko’s password. So I ran allow-root-connect gecko. This gave me the error that I needed to create (?) the ssh_keys by running ssh_keygen, so I did that.. and it seemed to work. I could now from root@tempest su to root@gecko.
BUT I cannot ssh -Y edavis5@gecko or login as edavis5 from gecko. This seems curious and probably something to do with ssh keys or re-using them/IP addresses from earlier.
To note, I switched:
- ballroom –> iguana
- bass –> gator
- birch –> gecko
- gandhi –> terrapin
- jaguar –> boa
- sole –> viper
- (future salmon –> cobra)
We still need to repartition gator, cobra and viper. And then repeat the install process there.