Generally, users receive emails warning them if they are near or over their quota usage. However, users haven’t been receiving these notifications for some time now, which is mysterious.
I checked /root/sysadmin/bin/ for quota-related scripts, i.e., scripts containing the word ‘quota’. Most, if not all, of those scripts contain this line:
for name in `cat /root/etc/passwd.ldap | grep student | cut -f1 -d’:’`; do
Unfortunately, /root/etc/passwd.ldap doesn’t exist on tempest or on puma, so it made sense that the scripts were not able to do very much. On puma, I typed “find . -name “passwd.ldap”” at the home directory and found that passwd.ldap was in the directory /ldapdumps. So I moved a copy of it to /root/etc. I did the same thing on tempest.
However, when I checked the modification dates of passwd.ldap on puma and tempest, I found that they weren’t modified on the same date. Don’t know why that is the case.
-rw-r–r–. 1 root root 152794 Sep 26 03:41 passwd.ldap
-rw-r—– 1 root root 152794 Sep 30 05:08 passwd.ldap
In conclusion, I think the quota scripts should work now when run, but I’m not sure. I didn’t run them.
** As a side note: tempest contains a file in /root/etc called ‘slapcat’, while puma does not. Don’t know why this is the case either.