Tabletop Water Dispenser

The object I chose is the water dispenser in Tower Court West. Unfortunately, Tower unlike many dorms doesn’t have dining halls so instead has these water dispensers conveniently placed on each floor. This dispenser is different from the water fountains (and better) because it also has the option of dispensing hot water (the one on this floor just happened to be broke.

On a fully functioning model, the user can dispense either hot or cold water by pushing the indicated button. It is clear to the user which temperature water they are choosing by the colored indicators below the buttons, red for hot and blue for cold. Both buttons are slightly concave for easy use simply by feeling the machine. The user also has the option of locking the hot water function which may be handy around children who may burn themselves. This function is done by sliding a lock located on the hot water button. Its location and the small lock symbol next to it clearly indicates its function.

Another clear affordance of the machine is the clear indication of where you should place your cup to catch the water. The indentation of two circles is indicative of the best placement for the cup, as well as the small blue light shining from the center of the two spouts which directs you at night. The machine also has a removable drip tray for spilled water that can be dispensed, washed and returned. This object doesn’t tell the user anything about its state ie: when it needs to be cleaned or repaired.

The water dispenser draws 115 volts, 60 hertz and 1/20 hp water cooler compressor. (Via the ONYX POU Cooler Spec Sheet ) This energy draw seems reasonable because according to my research a regular large water cooler uses about 220 volts. For a compact unit that doesn’t need replaceable bottles of water, half the amount of power seems reasonable to me.

In my opinion, this product is very easy to use and its functions have been made clear by universal symbols for hot, cold, and locking. It is also easy to use at night or with impaired vision through its LED light and textures. The user clearly knows how to use it and what to do first to get the water they want. Stay hydrated!



One Comment
  1. Very nice analysis of an interesting product. Based on the photo, the mapping for hot and cold and the lock look pretty subtle to me, but perhaps it’s clearer in person. For power, the unit is Watts and for energy it’s Joules or Watt-hours … we’ll discuss further in class going forward. Well done.

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