Strike Review

During the strike this Friday, I did a sketch of the peers around me and observe them to be very enthusiastic about improving our climate change issue and willing to enlarge the influence on a broader basis.

Fears came up for me during this experience when I saw the post – “I want you to act if your house is on fire, because it is”. I can’t imagine how my life is going to be is the climate is vigorously changing. How am I going to eat and drink? Where shall I live? And will the environment after climate change be suitable for human beings to live after all?

This experience influenced greatly on my thinking about education, striking, and climate change. Before, I only cared about how to live within the rules of community and college, but now I am more concerned about how to make contributions to the environment around me so that the world can be a better place.

Some of my classmates likely chose not to strike, and I understand them pretty well because if you do not hear about how the climate change may affect our lives, you are not burdened, and that’s fine. Thinking about alternative approaches, I am feeling indifference because everyone has her own choice, and we shouldn’t force others to do anything against their will.

The benefit of striking is that it raises the awareness of environmental protectionism to college students in an initiative and engaging way. However, the limitation is that the scope of it is not as large so some student may choose not to come.