Key Functional Prototype Reflections

Group Members: Zainab and Kiki

Our goal for the semester, is to create a device to assist rowers using crutches with holding their oars. The device we have come up with so far, is a sling that balances the oars on a persons shoulder. The sling is padded for comfort and has a space to clip in both oars.

This week we created our first key functional prototype. Our sketch model was semifunctioning, and after presenting we realized many flaws with our designs and had to adapt our first sketch model. One main difference between our sketch model and our key function prototype, is the way the oars are secured. In our sketch model, the oars were strapped to the shoulder on a non-slip pad. However, for this prototype we adapted the design of a previous class who created an oar holder by combining a PVC half pipe and a small block of wood to create a place for the oars to “snap in” and then be strapped in. This change in the design was to ensure security of the oars and to minimize the range that the oars could move.

We also changed the some other materials we used from our model. Originally we chose a very stretchy fabric that we though would be comfortable and help make the product more universal, however, we found that the stretchy material wasn’t secure because there was too much space for it to move and twist. For our first prototype, we changed the material to a strong adjustable band that will hopefully still be comfortable and adaptable.

One thing we struggled with for our schedule model, was finding a comfortable way for both shoulder straps to be secure and comfortable. After researching other shoulder devices, we decided to model our new design after shoulder braces for people with shoulder problems. For future models, we are contemplating buying a shoulder brace and adapting it, however one problem we foresee is that most braces are very rigid and not made to adapt.

One this i really like about our first prototype is the many ways our product is adjustable. The strap to go around a person adjusts and the strap to wrap around the oars has Velcro and thus the adjustability to fit different oars.

One Comment
  1. I like how the design is stable and adjustable for the oars. I wonder what material you’ll end up using.

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