Week 4 Update

Group: Oar holder for crutch users

Members: Zainab and Kiki

After the CRI visit, our focus ahas been on making our design more stable. We implemented the basic idea a rower a CRI had, which was to add straps to either end of the oars that would create a triangle shaped hold.

These new straps attach at the waist and allow the user to adjust for teetering. We ordered a new belt and new straps with specific clamps to use in this new design. One problem with our new design is that it now takes a lot more effort and steps to secure the oars, but the upside is that now the design actually works. Our goal is finding a way to make our design very easy to use but also efficient and effective. So far, we have accomplish effective. Going forward, we will work be working on our final, clean iteration to present to CRI.

One Comment
  1. I like how you guys took into account the feedback you got! I think that definitely adds more stability to the oars when the person is carrying it.

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