Week 6: Finished Boat Sling

Boat Sling

Group: Hillary, Steph, Lizzy

We went to CRI this week and got a lot of valuable feedback from both Hallie and Joanna. Videos of the prototype in motion are found in this folder:


Takeaways are:

  • Longer strap so it is 1) easier to grab 2) easier to adjust 3) simpler to put on
  • Wider foam part to position on shoulder
  • Better mapping to tell which part is positioned where and what side of the strap goes behind you

All in all, the device does work and Joanna was able to put it on and take it off on her own. We ordered more foam and luckily another group had bought more strap that we could also use. As soon as the foam comes in, we will work on our final product and be done in time for the last CRI visit after Thanksgiving break.

Also some obligatory chick-fil-a to help with the engineering process.

One Comment
  1. I love that you included a video example of how your project works. It’s much more efficient than a written description and photos, which is a wonderful tactic. I wonder how much the extra foam will help the shoulder!

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