Final Project Post 1: Sketch Model

We made sketch models of our oar holder for the ankle and a band for the shoulder. The oar holder was made of cardboard, zip wing bands, and it was all held together with a hot glue gun. The shoulder was made with paper and tape. 


During our Peer Review Session we received some compliments and areas of improvement to be made to our design, off of our rough sketch models.


Complements/Things we should continue to do:

  1. Focusing on the Lower Body
  2. Use of available materials as the holder
  3. Design of the Sketch Model


Areas of improvement:

  1. Balance of the oars, as there are varying lengths
  2. How the shoulder band would function
  3. Two bands for each shoulder
  4. Obstruct function of wheelchair and navigation


We are going to focus on making an oar holder that will be able to hold at least the shorter oars. Therefore our working model will be a single oar holder, and make a shoulder holder and test it.