Assignments & Schedule

The nature of project-based work is that schedule shifting is probable. Expect this schedule to change as the course progresses, documented here. 

Final Project Milestones (subject to change)

Final Poster Template and Home

Daily Recollections (select tab for each day)


Object or Other / Blog / Reading

#/Date Topic Due Today
1. 4-Sep Product design & creativity I
2. 6-Sep Product design & creativity II Assignment 1
3. 11-Sep How it’s made  


4. 13-Sep Frother follow-up
5. 18-Sep Reverse engineering & small-scale manufacturing
6. 20-Sep Implications of Climate Change on Design Assignment 3
7. 25-Sep Disability awareness & universal design, project intro, Modeling I – electronics
8. 27-Sep CRI Visit & Reflection Assignment 4
9. 2-Oct Rapid Prototyping: Laser Cutter, 3D printer, Soldering; Dorm Project Progress
10. 4-Oct Team dynamics, Archery Experience.  Assignment 5
11. 9-Oct [Yom Kippur: class cancelled.]
12. 11-Oct 3 ideas gallery walk; Modeling II; how it’s made


Assignment 6 ( Note this assignment requires significant time to make up for this week’s cancellation.)
13. 16-Oct Design review sketch models
14. 18-Oct Project experimentation & construction; Modeling III
15. 23-Oct Design review Key functional prototype
16. 25-Oct Develop prototype; Modeling IV
17. 30-Oct Design review Initial working prototype
18. 1-Nov Develop prototype
19. 6-Nov Develop prototype
20. 8-Nov Develop prototype.
21. 13-Nov Develop prototype.
22. 15-Nov Develop prototype. Design Review w/ Madi.
23. 20-Nov Refine prototype & Documentation First mini-poster draft
24. 22-Nov Refine prototype & Documentation  
27-Nov [Thanksgiving Break] gratitude
29-Nov [Thanksgiving Break] self care
25. 4-Dec Trip to CRI Final Documentation v. 1; CRI teams: proto & poster
26. 6-Dec Madi final visit & class reflection & clean up All: dorm project; Archery teams: proto & poster
17-Dec [no class] Final documentation v2  We-Lab prototype & survey