Genetic tools may save the plant that powers our world..and yes, including GMOs


Coffee growing supports the livelihoods of 125 million people across Latin America, Africa, andAsia. Climate change is putting them at risk.

Heat, droughts, and pests are hallmarks of the impacts exacerbated by climate change and increasingly challenge the effectiveness of coffee producers’ current agricultural practices. Fortunately, recent advancements in biotechnology can offer great help. Sequencing, reading the genes of an organism, serves as an important approach to analyze genetic data. This information reveals how the organism carries out basic functions necessary for life, including how it responds to environmental challenges. Having this information accessible to stakeholders helps facilitate breeding and farming strategies.

Based on modeling and predictions, scientists anticipate that coffee growing regions will be hit hard with a combination of challenges in coming years. Some of these impacts are already taking place. A coffee leaf rust outbreak in Colombia, for instance, reduced yields by 31%  in  2008-2013. Coffee rust refers to brown spots appearing on leaves caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix. 

There are 125 Coffeea species known globally, but only two are economically important today. They are Coffeea arabica (Arabica coffee) and Coffeea caneophora (robusta coffee). But other Coffea species may hold the keys to the future of coffee cultivation; they may contain genes resistant to disease or pests, or are able to better cope with climate challenges. These same genes might not be present in Arabica or robusta coffee plants. As a result, having a database containing genetic information and samples of a wide range of  coffee species is important for maintaining genetic diversity, which refers to having a variety of genetic makeup.

Unfortunately, deforestation and focused cropping of Arabica and robusta species have threatened maintenance of genetic diversity.

However, recent advancements in biotechnology offer a chance to map out the secrets of the coffee genome. Sequencing technology is perhaps the most important breakthrough. Sequencing refers to reading the genes of an organism. The reads are then assembled into an accessible database for different kinds of users (e.g., breeders, scientists). This technology could revolutionize agriculture; it certainly applies to coffee plants and invested stakeholders of the industry.

Widely available sequencing allows scientists to more quickly understand what genes are involved in different areas of plant development and survival. For instance, sequencing plant samples exposed to drought can reveal which genes are important for drought tolerance. Scientists may make use of this information by choosing to more strongly induce genes important for drought response and thus increase plants’ tolerance towards this kind of environmental stress.

However, public fear of genetic engineering and biotechnology might also hamper efforts in developing and harboring climate resilient coffee plants. Only a small proportion of the public, 37%, believes that genetically modified (GM) foods are safe. In contrast, 88% of scientists agree that GM foods are safe. This shows a large knowledge gap between the public and experts. 

In 2016, the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (re)assured the public of safety with regards to consuming Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). Scientific research shows no difference in risk levels of cancer, diabetes, allergies, among other health issues, associated with consuming GMOs versus non-GMOs.

If the coffee industry is going to survive, it is likely to do so with the help of genetic technology.  Conventional breeding takes longer, and the timescale is stretched for coffee because the average generation time for its trees is 5 years. This doesn’t mean that it takes just 5 years to get the cultivar with desired traits. Often, breeders have to cross plants repeatedly to make sure the desired trait fully assimilates to the new population. This process usually takes 3-5 crosses, which means farmers have to wait 15-25 years after the first hybrid plants were produced. Success is not guaranteed here. There could be new challenges that arose during the 15-25 years that the new cultivar cannot tolerate.

One important genetic tool is marker-assisted selection. By adding a molecular marker to a gene that is known to contribute to a desired trait, breeders can identify the plant’s traits and select for it without waiting for the coffee tree to fully develop and observe its traits. Once they detect the molecular marker, they know they can move on to the next step of breeding or cultivation. This technology also facilitates easier management for gene or seed banks. It allows managers to quickly study their collection through sequencing rather than growing everything out from time to time.

For instance, scientists can more strongly induce genes known to be important for plant immune response against pests and lower the need for pesticide. Or, they could induce genes encoding nutrient transporters such that increased uptake efficiency results in reduced fertilizer use.

To respond to climate challenges, international organizations and researchers have established off-site genebanks and collections across producing countries. These sites hold libraries with valuable genetic information as well as physical plant samples. In doing so, breeders and researchers harbor more genes that encode different traits and can leverage this resource to breed new, adaptive cultivars or modify existing ones.

Precedents exist for deploying these strategies. For instance, Castillo, a variety that is resistant to coffee rust, has replaced over 50% of coffee grown in Colombia. The impact was dramatic. Coffee leaf rust incidence dropped from 40% in 2009 to 3% in 2013. This success makes a compelling case for further investment now and in the future.

Despite their potential, the future of genebanks and coffee plant collections is not assured. Financial constraints, environmental challenges (e.g., hurricane), and international policy can all undermine the effectiveness of these genetic resources. The pests and funguses that threaten coffee plants in fields can still threaten plant tissues in the storage facilities of genebanks.

This makes it especially important to push for more international collaboration.  Currently, the coffee industry is behind. Researchers and producers need to share more genetic data and plant material. This will minimize the losses if a gene bank was flooded and its plant samples were jeopardized. Remember, the plant samples contain precious genetic material that can be used to breed new, adaptive populations.

Today’s genetic tools and resources provide a myriad of opportunities for coffee. Securing coffee development matters because the issue stands at the intersection of human and environmental health. To this end, it is critical to transparently communicate the capability of these tools to the public, and facilitate increased collaboration across agencies.

Vineyard Wind ushers in a new era of clean energy for the United States

Image Source: Unsplash

One in six Massachusetts homes could be running on wind power as soon as 2023.

Vineyard Wind will be the nation’s first utility-scale offshore wind farm, providing wind energy for Massachusetts residents. Despite previously failed attempts to build a wind farm off the Massachusetts coast, this revolutionary wind farm—scheduled to come on line in 2023—will effectively transition residents away from fossil fuels, combat climate change, and promote energy independence.

Located 15 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard, an island off the coast of Cape Cod, Vineyard Wind will reside in the United States federal waters of Nantucket Sound. It will host 62 wind turbines, each producing 13 megawatts of power. In total, the whole wind farm can produce enough energy to power more than 400,000 homes.

Massachusetts has the largest potential for offshore wind of any state in the country: offshore wind could supply eight times the amount of the state’s estimated energy demand. Tapping into this resource would massively increase the sustainability of not just the state’s energy grid, but all of New England’s

Offshore wind serves as a powerful ocean climate solution. It creates jobs, lowers energy costs, and provides clean energy to tackle climate change.

Not everyone, however, is thrilled about Vineyard Wind. 

Despite the comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement conducted by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), fishing advocacy groups are worried about the turbines limiting access to and depleting fishing stocks.

There were also concerns about potential threats to the North Atlantic right whale. Nantucket Sound is a critical habitat for these endangered mammals. To address these issues, in 2019, Vineyard Wind—along with other organizations—committed to the protection of right whales throughout their construction process and operating procedures.

Such pushback may sound familiar.  In the early 2000s, such concerns derailed another large-scale offshore wind project: Cape Wind. The project would have turbines built in Nantucket Sound only five miles from the southern coast of Cape Cod. The original permit application was submitted in 2001. But, after an almost 20 year battle, the project ultimately surrendered its lease in 2017.

I grew up on Cape Cod and—though I was young at the time—remember the red and blue signs on front lawns that were seemingly everywhere: “Nantucket Sound is NOT For Sale.” People were concerned that the turbines would mar the beauty of Nantucket Sound, piercing the endless  blue horizon with industrial, brutish force. Some claimed that property values would depreciate. Others remained convinced that there were unknown “environmental impacts” from having large turbines installed on the ocean floor.

Despite the support of many Cape Cod residents, such concerns were the project’s downfall.

With this complex history of offshore wind in the area, it may seem unlikely that Vineyard Wind could succeed. And yet, it’s set to do just that.

Several reasons explain why Vineyard Wind is poised to succeed where Cape Wind failed.

The turbines will be located much further offshore than the Cape Wind project proposed, posing no obstruction to the visible horizon. 

The offshore wind industry has also developed over the past twenty years. Projects on the scale of Vineyard Wind may be new for the United States, however, The technology is now proven, and the growth of the European market has driven down costs of offshore wind globally.

Because of climate change, now more than ever is the time for the United States to employ and embrace offshore wind.

The project will create approximately 3,600 jobs in Massachusetts. An agreement between Vineyard Wind and the Biden administration promises that at least 1,000 of these jobs will go to union workers. Construction jobs and other opportunities will help expand Massachusetts’ middle class, while also providing them with cleaner, cheaper energy.

Wind power is also cheap. Despite the upfront costs of building new infrastructure, wind farms are much less expensive to operate and maintain than their fossil fuel counterparts. Thus, it costs consumers less to purchase offshore wind energy than the fossil fuel sources that have been historically used to power the grid. The project will ultimately cut the collective cost to all ratepayers by $1.4 billion over the first 20 years of the project. 

Vineyard Wind has a wide variety of environmental advantages too. The amount of energy the wind farm is expected to produce will offset 1.68 million metric tons of CO2 emissions annually. That’s comparable to taking 325,000 vehicles off the road. The project would be a staggering increase in clean energy usage within Massachusetts’ energy grid.

Vineyard Wind is just the kind of project we need in the face of the climate crisis.

Projections show that offshore wind could meet 90% of the electricity demand of the United States by 2050. 

This project has the potential to serve as a model for offshore wind farms across the country, laying the foundation for a thriving new ocean-based industry in the United States.

A Degrowther’s Take on Neoliberalism

A Degrowther’s Take on Neoliberalism

Antonio Ferreira knows that scaling back the economy doesn’t have the flashy appeal of a new Lamborghini, a Canada Goose jacket, or a beach house on the Jersey Shore. Degrowth, or downsizing of the scale of the global economy, would curb fossil fuel emissions as well as the intensity of anthropogenic climate change. 

So how do we convince a nation of consumers to rethink the foundation of the modern economy?  How do we urge people to appreciate the value in de-centering materiality, lobbying for large-scale change in government, and centering their relationships instead of their purchases? 

Less just doesn’t carry the flashy intrigue of More. 

On a sunlit November morning, I met with Dr. Antonio Ferreira — otherwise known as Anton. By day, he is a Principal Researcher at CITTA, the Center for Research on Territory, Transports, and Environment at the University of Porto, Portugal. As for side hobbies, he’s also a yoga teacher, meditation instructor, and a personal trainer who enjoys carpentry. Anton’s red scarf filled the blurry Zoom square with a flash of color, a pixelated image bringing a piece of Western Europe to my dorm room in suburban Massachusetts. 

Anton has conducted extensive research related to degrowth, specifically focusing on challenging urban growth and rethinking social systems to make them more sustainable and inclusive. His scholarship centers around an eclectic blend of topics related to degrowth, cities, and accessibility, and he critically engages with the way mindfulness — or engagement with one’s emotions — factors into a developer’s plan for growth. His research has further cemented his (strong) disliking of the ever-nebulous concept of neoliberalism, as well as his espousal of economic degrowth in lieu of consumerist fervor. 

In 2014, he read Tim Jackson’s book Prosperity without Growth, which planted the seeds of his skepticism: He found the economist’s text riveting, persuading him that the idea of infinite capitalist expansion is “absurd.” 

If we’re living in a world bound by finite resources, then amassing wealth as a means of personal fulfillment must be folly.

As a consumer living in modern-day society, Anton found this revelation to be a “horrible surprise.” His worldview began to change as he recognized the way money dominates virtually every facet of our lives. In his view, the root of the problem is entangled with neoliberalism. 

“What is neoliberalism?” Anton asked me, chuckling to himself. I balked, afraid he wanted an answer, ready to spew something about private property, deregulation, and the reduced availability of food stamps. Luckily, Anton’s question was rhetorical, and he briefly outlined neoliberalism’s connection to capitalism, a better known beast: “Who really knows. But essentially [neoliberalism] pits individuals against each other so that they can outperform each other so they can grab more of what’s available. Which is growth.” 

This is the sad reality espoused by the Bureaucratic Powers That Be. “Everything should be managed according to… a set of targets. Management is universal, and everything is a sausage factory,” Anton explains. “You can apply this to healthcare, education, military, or whatever.” 

Anton’s sausage factory metaphor references the homogeneity of those within the 1% who wield power over the little people, as well as the homogeneity of their values. Spurting from the end of the industrial sausage maker, everything comes out looking like bland, colorless meat. The goals of our economy are similarly un-nuanced, flavorless, trenched in a desire to pump out as much product as possible. At the core of the Donald Trump-esque corporate entities lie one driving desire: the acquisition of more/more/more material wealth. And you can’t even put that in a breakfast casserole! 

Anton sighed before continuing, adjusting the sleeves of his tweed jacket. “GDP is just another neat indicators of performance, but it says something very stupid, because it doesn’t say anything.” 

Why, then, do those languishing in castles of material wealth place so much value on a nothing number? Why do we categorize countries and quality of life and even happiness on something that’s merely another output from the economy’s sausage factory production line? 

We’re in love with numbers, and we’re in love with ranking: consider the multifarious lists detailing which colleges have the most hipster students, the most prestigious reputations, or the most aesthetically pleasing campuses. If everything can be boiled down to a statistic on a page, then we as members of society feel more in control

But what if — as Anton suggests — numbers don’t tell the whole story? This skepticism is a core tenant of a degrowth mindset. During our interview, Anton offered me a scenario: “When you start working, you’re going to receive a salary, and that’s going to be the salary you receive for the rest of your life; you never experience a raise. Will you stay motivated to work in a condition like this?” 

I shook my head, and Anton smiled.“You say no. Most people would say no. But I say that is how it should be, because you should love your work. Why should you do something that makes you constantly unsatisfied with your reality?” 

Tilting his bald head, thrown into shadow by the 5 PM Portuguese sunset, he delivered his most startling statement. “The way to promote degrowth is to not promote degrowth.” 

If we’re focusing on monetary success, constantly striving to make a bit more or have a bit more or do a bit more, then what’s the point? The ideal way to turn heads towards the degrowth movement is to promote institutions rooted in utilitarian principles — organizations that support well-being rather than political dominance or monetary gain. Recognizing the beauty of humility, as well as the depth of self that exists outside of numerical value judgments, will necessitate spending less on egotistical pursuits centered around insular success. 

Anton’s own espousal of degrowth doesn’t entail moving off-the-grid to a rural mountainside: he lives in the red-roofed city of Porto with his family. Since he began studying the evolving degrowth movement in 2014, he hasn’t abandoned modern  technology, nor has his relationship to modern-day commodities drastically changed. The primary difference in his life has been a newfound awareness surrounding the dangers of inflated egos. 

“You love being invited to expensive events,” quips Anton. “It gives you a sense of importance. But that’s not where solutions come from.” 

The maintenance of massive egos necessitates massive growth. Yes, degrowth on an economic level will happen on the bureaucratic level, but it’s equally important to shift consciousness away from ego-centric mentalities. A change of human soul won’t come from policies or government oversight. 

We don’t need more bold statements that are merely paper-thin  — particularly from political leaders who wish to cultivate a following. We need bold action paired with bold follow-through. Movement towards degrowth won’t come from choices made by the Average Joe, but rather from corporations and bureaucratic entities who wield influence over the market as a whole. But a scaling back of global consumption still starts with individual mindsets. 

Degrowth means recognizing why you’re googling vacation get aways with 16 skylights, room service, and a built-in jacuzzi on the Cape. In the modern day, society normalizes the pursuit of individuality — encouraging the Average Joe to strive for personal success in lieu of communal wealth — is rooted in social and environmental exploitation. 

Anton isn’t saying that sitting in silence will curb widespread ecological degradation. But it might just improve your psychological well-being, lending a bit of perspective to the way you yourself are complicit in the sausage factory. Don’t become a piece of bland, flavorless meat within a neoliberal world rigged toward those who already have power. Anton stressed the danger of striving for superficial accolades: “We don’t need more leaders of tomorrow. Embracing economic degrowth should come from a place of compassion, clarity, humility.” 

So, if you want to reckon with the Neoliberal Tyrants at large — both the Trumps and the Hillarys alike — consider breaking up with numbers. It’s just not a healthy relationship. Consider taking up yoga in lieu of stock trading and vegetable gardening in lieu of Saturday morning shopping sprees. And —  if you’d like to take a meditation class and find yourself in Portugal —  consider contacting Anton: perhaps you can bond over a shared dislike of neoliberalism on a warm afternoon in Western Europe. 

Yvonne Taylor: the “Accidental Activist” Setting Precedent for Bitcoin Mining in the U.S.

When Yvonne Taylor first heard about Greenidge Generation’s plan to reopen a closed coal-fired powerplant as a natural gas-powered plant, she didn’t even know what Bitcoin was. But pollution from the Greenidge’s facility increased tenfold as it expanded electricity generation to power newly installed Bitcoin mining machines.  Taylor knew from experience that the pollution would be just one of many potential problems for her community. Now she’s at the forefront of a battle that could set the standard for sustainable cryptocurrency mining across the United States.

Yvonne Taylor, Seneca Lake Guardian.

Yvonne is the Vice-President of Seneca Lake Guardian, an all-volunteer grassroots organization dedicated to protecting New York’s Finger Lakes and its residents from environmentally destructive projects. She started Seneca Lake Guardian, then called Gas Free Seneca, with two friends in 2009 when an oil and gas company bought an abandoned salt cavern, with plans to use it to store liquified propane gas underground. The problem: even the company acknowledged that the cavern may have leaks, risking the health of Seneca Lake and nearby residents.

“It started with three people sitting around a kitchen table saying, ‘somebody has got to do something about this. Who’s doing something about this?’” Yvonne said. “And it turned out it would have to be us.” 

Yvonne’s connection to Seneca Lake goes back seven generations. She learned to swim in its waters before she even learned to walk. Now, as a full-time speech-language therapist, Yvonne works for young people with disabilities in the community that has always been her home. More recently though, she has become one of Seneca Lake’s fiercest advocates.

She didn’t seek to become an environmental activist. Environmental activism found her.

This is why Yvonne refers to herself as an “accidental activist.” 

In a “true David and Goliath battle” against the oil company, she rallied locals, businesses, and even former Governor Andrew Cuomo against the project. Eight years of activism helped bring the project to a halt.

But, Yvonne didn’t rest.  She knew that there would be more threats to the “Heart of the Finger Lakes.”

And so she continued to organize, transitioning Gas Free Seneca to Seneca Lake Guardian and making it a local affiliate of the national Waterkeeper Alliance. This connected Gas Free Seneca to a larger and faster-growing nonprofit focused on clean water nationally, helping her build up the organization and expands its mission

All of this led Yvonne to the current fight against Greenidge’s Bitcoin mining facility. This mining facility, located on the shores of Seneca Lake, was supposed to supply extra power for the NY electrical grid for New Yorkers. But in 2020, instead of selling electricity onto the local electrical grid, Greenidge installed thousands of Bitcoin mining machines, hoping to turn that electricity into virtual currency.

Yvonne stressed that she’s not anti-cryptocurrency, she just wants it to be more environmentally conscious. She stresses Bitcoin should adopt a different mining model.  Some new cryptocurrencies use less computationally intensive mining practices that can reduce energy demand by 99.9%.  At Greenidge, that could substantially lower greenhouse gas emissions.  If you want to know more about the specifics of the different mining strategies, Blockgeeks has a helpful video explaining the difference here.

Transitioning the less computationally intense mining would be a huge improvement. Once Greenidge installs the remaining machines, it will produce nearly 1 million tons of CO2 per year powering them. New York’s ambitious climate plan directs the state to reduce all of its greenhouse gas emissions to at least 35.43 million tons per year by 2050. This Bitcoin mining facility and the nearly 30 potential others in upstate NY alone could tank NY’s climate goals.

It’s not just cryptocurrency’s carbon footprint that Yvonne and other locals are worried about. Greenidge also poses a threat to aquatic life in the lake. The power plant depends on Seneca Lake for cooling water, but it lacks the filters needed to keep aquatic life out of the plant. As Yvonne puts it, “it’s acting like a giant fish blender.” There are also noise pollution and electronic waste concerns if this facility expands. These problems would only get worse in different communities if more facilities were to be built.

Yvonne Taylor in front of NY DEC, Kelly Marciniak.


What is happening at Seneca Lake has implications that go far beyond this one natural-gas power plant.

Yvonne has been working hard to stop this facility so that those other 30 power plants cannot follow the Greenidge model. She’s attended public hearings, reached out to NY Senators Gillibrand and Schumer, and created networks across the country, to advance this fight. She even rescheduled our initial interview because she was called to testify on cryptocurrency in front of the New York State Assembly. 

Her immediate goal is to stop Greenidge from getting a required air pollution permit renewed, but her broader goal is a statewide temporary ban on Bitcoin mining pending a complete study of its environmental impacts. Yvonne calls it the top environmental issue facing NY.

Greenidge knows she’s a threat. The company sent its first intimidation letter in June 2021. When she didn’t stop after the first, it sent her another, threatening to sue her if she continued to speak out.

This type of SLAPP Suit (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) isn’t uncommon. Corporations will file lawsuits against groups or activists they deem a threat. Yvonne felt intimidated and scared for her family’s and her own safety. But, she “already poked the bear” and feels it is her duty to continue speaking out.

Yvonne Taylor in front of DEC, Kelly Marciniak.

This issue is deeply personal to Yvonne. It’s bigger than her. It’s for the next generation.

“I’m a school teacher. I spend my days trying to help young people become successful,” she explained. “But, what’s the point of that if they won’t have a liveable planet in their future?” 

Yvonne wants to connect with people of all ages, especially young people to educate them on the environmental problems caused by Bitcoin mining. She also wants to expand on the network she’s established so that it’s not just a town-by-town fight, especially as Greenidge seeks to open an identical facility in South Carolina. 

As Yvonne sees it, if Greenidge gets its air permit renewed for Seneca Lake, it sends the message that this model is viable. But if they’re unsuccessful, it could stop many other copycat projects.

It’s a precedent-setting case and a lot of pressure for a grassroots organizer. When Yvonne looks at the road ahead, she thinks back to the youth she works with.

“I don’t have children, they’re my children and I will fight tooth and nail to provide a liveable place for my kids in the future.”


Seneca Lake Guardian logo.



You can keep up with Yvonne Taylor and the Seneca Lake Guardian by checking out their website and their Twitter! And, keep an eye out for news about Greenidge Generation’s Title V Air permit renewal status!

Beyond Corn: What Ethanol Means to Farmers in The Midwest

Tracking down a corn farmer in October is tough. It’s peak harvest season and if they aren’t in a tractor harvesting corn, they’re likely sleeping. That is, unless it rains.  Then the harvest stops and the chances of catching them are pretty good. This is exactly how I was able to schedule a meeting with Richard Syverson, a grain farmer in a small town in western Minnesota. 

Heavy rain in the forecast meant Richard and his harvesting team had to pull an all-nighter to finish their last cornfield, but he was happy to talk with me the next morning. Although we spoke over the phone, I could hear the bustling sounds of a kitchen preparing breakfast and the clink of his coffee cup on the table. From what I could hear, his home seemed warm and welcoming. And, as I would learn, if you add a splash of Midwest passive-aggressiveness, you’d get Richard. 

Richard’s been a farmer his entire life. He started as a dairy farmer and milked cows until the dairy market crashed in 2003. Now, he farms 1,200 acres of corn and soybeans, along with raising 150 sheep. 


Lambs on Richard’s farm

There are not mountains or many lakes where Richard farms, but there is the occasional rainbow










Richard’s passion for farming is still strong.  “I’m 65 years old,” exclaimed Richard, “and I’m still fired up about it!” The “it” Richard is most excited about is ethanol, a biofuel made from corn. It’s a major industry in the Midwest and a big source of revenue for many grain farmers. Ethanol also has social and environmental benefits. It provides stability for small farmers and reduces our dependence on fossil fuels. 


Richard serves as a representative for the Minnesota Corn Growers Association, a position he’s been honored to hold for nearly 20 years. Minnesota Corn Growers Association advocates on behalf of corn farmers across Minnesota. Although that means spending a lot of time in conference rooms, Richard also gets to meet with farmers from across the country. 

“What I really really enjoy is the people that I’ve met through corn growers,” Richard told me. “They are some of the greatest people in the world. They absolutely believe that there’s something significant that happens after the product leaves their farm.”

 Richard is extremely knowledgeable about what happens “after the product leaves the farm.” And, as I learned, the harvest is only the beginning.   

Corn has two potential markets: the grain market and the fuel market.  Richard sells about half of his corn into the fuel market via a local ethanol plant, the Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company (CVEC). Having two potential markets is helpful since grain and fuel prices fluctuate annually. 

Corn from Richard’s farm: “What we work hard for all year long!”

Having multiple markets for corn helps farmers stay afloat. This is the “best investment we’ve ever made,” Richard said. “When [grain] prices suck, we’re gonna be okay…Gives our farm business more stability.”  Ethanol provides an alternative source of income. 

Ethanol is a fuel additive, meaning it is blended with gasoline. Most cars already run on a blend of 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline. Yet, there is an ongoing debate about whether or not we should continue blending ethanol into our fuel. The question is whether it is environmentally sustainable.

Corn plants do sequester carbon, but some (the ethanol opponents) argue that growing corn and producing ethanol – because they are so energy-intensive – actually increases greenhouse gas emissions, even though corn is a renewable resource. Over the last decade, many scientists, environmentalists, and even some politicians have strongly supported removing it from our fuel system entirely. 

This point of view doesn’t sit well with Richard or the Minnesota Corn Growers Association.  Richard thinks cars should use more ethanol as a way to transition away from fossil fuels. He firmly believes that ethanol does have environmental benefits and can play a key role in mitigating the consequences of climate change. 

 “I call them ‘solar cars’” he said. I was a bit confused by what he meant. My mind rushed to flying cars or even solar panels on top of cars, but I was certain that wasn’t where he was going. 

Cars that run on ethanol are, in Richard’s view, running on sunshine captured by the corn. He imagines a world where hybrid cars run on a combination of electricity and ethanol — largely eliminating gasoline consumption.

Ethanol is a controversial topic but ethanol opponents are lacking one key thing. “What they [the ethanol opponents] don’t have are advocates, farmers, [and] small retailers that believe in ethanol…and telling our story directly to our representatives.” The product may make a profit but the people give it meaning. 

Richard’s story is just one of many that get pushed to the sidelines of the ethanol debate. These are the rich narratives that signify the importance of ethanol beyond federal policy, market pricing, or environmental debate. These are the types of stories, and people, that deserve more attention. 

And as Richard told me, ethanol is just one area of agriculture that is pretty exciting to know about first-hand. Even after decades of farming, it still makes him excited every single day.

Richard and his grandchildren, the sixth generation on their farm.

Good things come in trees: community-based urban forestry, tree equity, and climate adaptation

Pittsburgh skyline in the fall, with bright autumn foliage

Trees have always been an important part of Rose Tileston’s life. Growing up in the hills of Pittsburgh, some trees stand out in her memory. A pine tree in her backyard once towered over her childhood home, until it succumbed to a strong gust of wind one morning before school. The earth shook and the sunlight shining through her window changed, no longer obstructed by pine branches. Rose’s wistful description of this fallen tree sounded like she was mourning the loss of a childhood friend.

Rose's headshot from the American Forests website.

Rose Tileston is the Senior Manager of Urban Forestry at American Forests. Image courtesy of Rose Tileston.


Now, Rose is the Senior Manager of Urban Forestry at American Forests. The nonprofit organization is based in Washington, D.C., and their mission is to conserve and restore healthy forests–including those in cities. She works with communities to achieve “tree equity,” bringing the benefits of urban forests to everyone.


I had the opportunity to chat with Rose over Zoom a few weeks ago about her role at American Forests, her professional journey, and why she does this work.


She’s come a long way from her roots in Pittsburgh, but her work in the city has played a big role in who she is today. Rose got her start in urban forestry with local organization Tree Pittsburgh while majoring in Environmental Science at Chatham University. She got her hands dirty learning about coordinating tree plantings, how to plant and prune trees, and the ins and outs of community-based nonprofit work.


Rose recalls, “I got to experience firsthand the positive impact that planting trees can have on a community.” Her work doing community tree planting events strengthened her connection with her city’s neighborhoods and helped spark her passion for urban forestry.


“I don’t know how to explain the feeling of being on a street that has no trees, that looks blighted, it’s just concrete and asphalt and buildings.” But once her tree planting team worked its magic, the impact on the neighborhood was incredible. “It’s just instant, the transformation. Instant! In just one day.” Even though I’m not physically on the street, the enthusiasm with which she talks about this event makes it so that I can almost smell the scent of sweet mulch and feel the cool of newly established shade.

Pittsburgh skyline in the fall, with bright autumn foliage

Pittsburgh, PA, Rose’s hometown, is working on its urban forestry master plan with the help of community organization Tree Pittsburgh. Image courtesy of John Marino on Wikimedia.


Tree planting events like these are central to many US cities’ urban forest plans, including Pittsburgh. Like many cities in the US, urban development has put Pittsburgh’s trees at risk.

You can’t go into a community and say, ‘You need this.’


But these initiatives can’t succeed without community. “You can’t go into a community and say, ‘You need this,’” Rose emphasizes. “It’s not sustainable if the community doesn’t want what you’re offering.”

Serving as a Pittsburgh Public Ally with the public service organization AmeriCorps taught Rose the importance of fostering community buy-in. “It really taught me how to connect with all the stakeholders within a community.”


Though she enjoys working at American Forests, Rose does miss the feeling of being a part of communities she works with. Now she does her work from afar in Washington instead of being on the ground in different neighborhoods. “I don’t have a personal connection to the community that I am supporting, and so even though I am supporting other communities, I don’t get the same sense of satisfaction as when I was supporting my community.”


Even though Rose gave up working in Pittsburgh, what she gained was the chance to support communities across the country through American Forests’ Community Re-Leaf program. She gushes to me about the team of urban forestry colleagues she works with, who do everything from organizing tree planting events, to writing urban forest master plans, to doing tree inventory assessments, to creating college curriculum, to increasing diversity in the urban forestry field.


Tree equity is bringing the benefits of trees to all people.


Their goal is to help US cities reduce tree inequity through community-based urban forestry. Tree cover distribution in cities tends to mirror distribution of racial and class privilege: low-income communities of color have far fewer trees than wealthy and white communities do. Historical and ongoing oppression is responsible for environmental injustices like the treeless street Rose described so clearly. Achieving tree equity through urban forestry means creating better environments for everyone. Rose explains, “Tree equity is bringing the benefits of trees to all people.”

You can tell Rose is excited by the topic.  Her voice rises as she rattles off said benefits of urban trees: “Air purification! The reduction of the urban heat island effect! Shading buildings! Bringing wildlife to urban communities!” Rose and I proceed to geek out for a while over the myriad of benefits that urban trees bring us, and one thing is clear: achieving tree equity is good for everyone.


Watching Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth as a teenager was a turning point for Rose. Afterwards, she asked, “Why aren’t we doing more about this? Why aren’t we taking action on climate change?” Her bubbly tone belies the anxieties that many people in her generation and mine can relate to as we witness governments failing to do anything meaningful to address climate change.

Planting trees means nothing for climate change without also cutting carbon emissions–but they’re still a valuable tool to keep communities safe. “Forests are not the be all solution, we know that. Collectively, globally, as a collective global community we need to cut our carbon emissions.”


Trees can help every community across the country.


It’s true. Planting trees won’t save us. But that work still matters. Rose explains, “Forests are the best nature-based solution to mitigating and adapting to climate change.” Most importantly, “Trees can help every community across the country.”  And, as Rose’s work at American Forests shows, urban forestry is a solution every community in the nation can benefit from.




Stinky Socks to Saving the World: How Mending your Clothes can Help Reduce Fashion Pollution

Lily Fulop, @mindful_mending

Tackling the issues of toxic landfills, irreversible effects of climate change, and corporate corruption may seem too much for even the most conscious of consumers to tackle.

To alleviate some of my own eco-anxieties, I sat down with Lily Fulop, founder of @mindful_mending on instagram and author of Wear, Repair, and Repurpose: A Maker’s Guide to Mending and Upcycling, to discover ways consumers can fight against corporate corruption and environmental pollution. 

With garments retailing for less than the price of sandwiches, it seems almost impossible to resist colorful closet additions. The global retail, jewelry, and footwear market combined makes around $2 trillion annually, more than the total goods and services provided by the 126 poorest countries in the world. In Wear, Repair, and Repurpose, Lily details how cheap clothing has enabled the rise of wasteful consumerism: “We keep buying more and more new clothes, which are made cheaper and cheaper. There’s nowhere for those clothes to go — their lifecycle is painfully short, and after a few uses, they’re done.” 

Even through Zoom, her message rang clear: our seemingly innocuous trips to the mall come at a great cost. Excessive consuming means excessive disposal. An average American throws out around 81 pounds of clothes per year. If you think about that on a larger scale, that means around 26 billion pounds of clothes end up in landfills each year, just from the United States. 

If you think donating your clothes to a local thrift shop solves the problem, I have some bad news. Only a small percentage of clothing is bought from secondhand shops, while  the rest are shipped to developing countries or buried in a landfill. “It’s a big misconception that clothes you send to thrift stores end up being worn by needy people, and it’s problematic to think of our clothes as donations instead of waste,” Lily writes. 

To help consumers better understand  she draws a parallel to recycling one-use plastics, like water bottles. “Recycling is great,” Lily argues “but it doesn’t stop the amount of resources that went into making and shipping the plastic the first time around.” In the same way, donating clothes does not influence or offset how resource intensive and pollutive textile manufacturing is. The fashion industry and its waste pathways are unsustainable and in need of serious structural change.

So how can we as individuals help tackle the issue? Lily understands how scary and hopeless this all may seem, which is why she offers mending as an easy way for consumers to get involved in creating a sustainable fashion future. 

Her book, Wear, Repair, and Repurpose, provides tutorials on mending and patchwork, all the while centering readers in environmental activism. Lily aspires to “connect people to their clothes, to value them more” and hopes that once “larger consumer shifts happen through these small shifts and activism, brands will start to catch on.”

Wear, Repair, and Repurpose guides readers through t-shirt scraps and holey sweaters through mending tutorials. (Source: Lily Fulop)


You might associate mending with bygone days of Grandma patching up her old undies or maybe with earth-loving hippies who only drink kombucha. Lily, however, puts a hip spin on this useful technique of keeping your clothes out of the landfill and in your closet!

Lily first encountered mending at  college when she interned at Kelly Lane Design, an independent, one-woman owned fashion brand. Her first-hand experience with textile waste in manufacturing inspired her creative solutions to save garments from the landfill. She transformed fabric scraps that were once destined for the landfill into pom-poms, tassels, and bags. 

Fabric scraps sold at Fab Scrap that would have otherwise been discarded (source: Lily Fulop)

Her instagram, @mindful_mending, began as a project for her senior capstone course at Carnegie Mellon School of Design. As a Mindful Mending follower myself, I wondered why she chose instagram as her main social media platform. Lily said instagram has allowed her to reach “younger audiences that hadn’t been introduced to mending and make it appealing and cool.” With over thirty-three thousand followers now, Lily has created a movement that urges consumers to re-evaluate their fashion consumption habits through creative solutions, specifically mending. 

For many people, mending is fixing a small hole in jeans or patching up old socks. For Lily, mending is an altered relationship between us and our clothes. By forming new relationships to our clothes, we begin to value the labor that goes into garment making, all while adding our own flare. She posts tutorials on how to make alterations stylish and personalized. She told me she hopes to motivate consumers to “be more thoughtful with their purchases, and buy things that people will use for a long time.” As we begin to value our clothes more, we can buy less and waste less.

Mending is a tool used not only to fix holes, but also to personalize your clothes! (source: Lily Fulop)


Published earlier this year, Lily’s book, Wear, Repair, and Repurpose, includes mending tips for people with all different skill sets, but is especially welcoming to those who don’t have any experience. She told me, “I want things to be accessible for beginners so the barrier to start is smaller.” Sewing and fixing our own clothes can be intimidating, especially for younger generations who grew up with fast fashion, like me! Lily celebrates “all skill levels, saying ‘it’s okay to make mistakes,’ and sharing tutorials’” whether it be in her book or on Instagram. Her tutorials taught me how easy it was to darn my socks so I wouldn’t have to toss them every time my toes began to peek through. And now I have unique socks with colorful patches to show off!

Mindful mending: an interview with Lily Fulop | Save Your Wardrobe

Socks that have been darned with colorful thread. (Source: Lily Fulop)

As someone often tempted by cheap price tags, I asked Lily how to be a more conscientious shopper. She advised being “more thoughtful with [our] purchases and buy[ing] things that we would use for a long time.” Oftentimes we are turned off by a big price tag, but if we have the means, we must  view clothes as an investment. 

Rather than tossing your stained shirts, maybe you’ll turn to @mindful_mending for a creative fix to reduce further consumption and keep your clothes out of the landfill!

Satellites can see the forest for the trees: an interview with Jon Pierre of Mantle Labs

Forest carbon credit is one of the most popular forms of nature-based solutions (NbS) for climate change. Essentially, countries pay other countries to leave their forests untouched, and the protected trees reduce carbon dioxide emissions and provide biodiversity benefits. In theory, it’s a win-win for all.

But implementing it?

“We have this issue of how to monitor what’s happening,” Jon Pierre says. How do we know what’s actually taking place? Are we taking [landowners’] word for it?”

Luckily, Jon has the solution.

Jon is the Chief Business Officer (CBO) of Mantle Labs, a London-based start-up using satellite imagery and artificial intelligence (AI) to monitor agricultural conditions like soil moisture and human activities. By closely monitoring the land, Mantle Labs’ clients—from banks to tech companies—can get a head’s up on projected crop yields and soil conditions.

As global agricultural vegetation is closely monitored, any changes to the land are detected. Information about land use shifts can be used to ensure that NbS commitments are being met. Satellite imagery presents an innovative solution to the monitoring and verification issues that NbS projects traditionally face.

Jon hasn’t always been working in the tech and climate space. A native of Trinidad, Jon pursued his interest in development through the Master’s program in Economics for Development at the University of Oxford. He then spent a decade in finance working for banks and hedge funds as an agricultural crop commodities trader.

Working with a group using AI for crop modeling piqued his interest in technology’s role in agriculture. A contact recommended he reach out to Mantle Labs. Though he had originally reached out to the startup as a customer, he ended up joining the team.

Mantle Labs’ clients receive information about the condition of their land based on satellite imagery. This information can be used by landowners to make informed decisions. Source: Mantle Labs











Another big issue for NbS projects is funding. From Google’s reforestation efforts in the U.S. and Australia to Apple’s partnerships with environmental organizations to manage over 1 million acres of forests, it’s easy to see that the corporate world is catching on to the potential of NbS. While Jon couldn’t disclose specific client names, big tech companies that need to meet their sustainability commitments are approaching Mantle Labs looking for ways to integrate NbS into their operations. Satellite imagery opens the door for any company to leverage its private finance in support of NbS

Farmers especially benefit from satellite imagery. Satellite imagery plays a role in precision agriculture, the practice of using data related to weather, soil, and water conditions to make informed decisions. Working with Mantle Labs, farmers can access a digital platform with reports and charts of all sorts of land condition indicators, such as crop stress conditions. Access to this knowledge allows farmers to make more better, more informed decisions.

Though Mantle Labs’ service can have a high up-front cost, Jon believes it’s all worth it. “Being more targeted with irrigation and different interventions—thereby being more efficient with your resource usage, being less wasteful, and incurring less cost as a farmer—that’s a huge component where satellite imagery plays a role,” Jon says.

Helping farmers adopt sustainable farming practices supports progress towards addressing climate change and promoting biodiversity. It also promotes economic development – something that’s important to Jon given his Trinidadian roots and background in economics.

With his background in finance and developmental ecoomics, Jon couldn’t have anticipated that he’d be working in agritech. But oddly enough, working with a tech company on its NbS projects has allowed Jon’s interests to come full circle. Much of development work today involves engaging with farmers, who make up more than a quarter of the world’s population. It’s important that more people are finding this link between smallholder agriculture, addressing climate change, and achieving sustainable development goals, Jon says.

Permaculture Practices in Appalachia: A Food Oasis, Desert, or Both?

Two years ago, I had the opportunity to experience Woodland Harvest Mountain Farm on a Wellesley Alternative Spring Break and be surrounded by the beauty the land and the owners’ generosity. That week was memorable to say the least: a week of being nestled in the Appalachian Mountains, learning the ropes of a farming lifestyle, and witnessing the unsparing ways that this rural community navigates finances, conservative neighbors, and access to food. Now, COVID-19 has put all of that at risk.

Woodland Harvest is wrestling with the tension between trying to live off of the farm and their dependence on outside support. Amid the pandemic, life at Woodland Harvest is both entirely normal and deep in crisis at the same time. The land remains giving and the farm fruitful. But the farm’s finances, which depend upon outside visitors, are in jeopardy.

Settling in Appalachia for the will to slow down, Lisa and Elizabeth find themselves with an abundance of time throughout these months for what they are best at: farming, family, and reflection.

Sitting across from me on the Zoom gallery view are two hard-working women — Lisa and Elizabeth. In their self-made Appalachian farm, Woodland Harvest, they have just gotten in from their morning animal chores.  Located in the North Carolinian mountains, Elizabeth and Lisa have built a school, farm, and home for themselves, their two teenage sons, and the hundreds? Of visitors who also are drawn to their “dreamstead.”

Elizabeth’s bought the land in 1998, beginning her lifelong pursuit of permaculture practices and self-sustaining living. Permaculture is an agricultural method of intentionally designing harmonious landscapes that maintain diversity, stability and resilience. Since growing up in Louisiana, at the time of the environmental movement in the 1990s, Elizabeth always yearned to live off the grid. Her job as an Outward Bound guide first drew her to the North Carolina mountains. Lisa was a local.  She grew up only two counties away, and a young pregnancy kept her in North Carolina’s Appalachia.

Woodland Harvest Mountain Farm


Their roles as environmental and social justice activists is unusual in West Jefferson, NC. Beyond being two lesbian and progressive women amidst a conservative and patriotic rural community, economic inequalities are obvious to them.

Rural North Carolina is a hardscrabble region, despite its natural bounty.  Many of their neighbors consider the Dollar General their grocery store. That frustrates Lisa and Elizabeth, since their neighbors could be more self-sufficient.  Lisa explains that they have “so much opportunity for food self-sufficiency.” While she doesn’t consider West Jefferson to be an extreme example of a food desert, she does explain that “because of the poverty in our culture, we are in some ways [a food desert], and there is hunger. People are going hungry around here. People shouldn’t go on hungry.”

Even on their thriving vegetable and animal farm, however, even Lisa and Elizabeth worry about access to food. “You know we love coffee here” Elizabeth jokes with a hefty mug of black coffee in her hand. One of many things that they don’t grow is coffee trees. While they have plentiful access to veggies and meat, they still need to make weekly trips to the closest grocery store thirteen miles away for staples like sugar, flour, milk, coffee, and the occasional bottle of wine.

Seeing how they sustainably source the majority of their food, it may come as a surprise to learn they’re living under the poverty line, receiving food stamps that only actually last them two weeks rather than a month. Running a farm is always hard and unpredictable. Since Rarely do they feel comfortable financially, and the past few months has only heightened that worry.

The COVID-19 crisis canceled Wellesley’s Alternative Spring Break annual trip to Woodland Harvest in March 2020. The family relies on visitors and workshops to supplement its income. The cancelled trip, one of three college trips that had been planned, left a deep hole in their budget. Woodland had already stocked up on food in anticipation of what would be a total of forty visitors during the month, what they refer to as “March Magic.”

To make ends meet, Lisa and Elizabeth are going to have to leave the farm for work at some point. They’ve already fundraised to cover their mortgage. But they don’t have enough money to buy supplies, run the farm, and cover their mortgage.  “It’s happening to real people. It’s going to get worse,” Elizabeth says, describing the realities of the pandemic.

A few days ago, they took their first visit to the grocery store in six weeks. Typically, it would be a weekly run, but since they were fully stocked on goods, there was no need. In addition to their grocery store purchases, they got seven more ducklings, four turkeys, nine small Guinea hands and six rabbits. They’re also open to the idea of breeding their goats for dairy. They’ve planted 300 feet of potatoes and close to 200 feet of onions. With their recent planting of plentiful amounts of greens, squash, cucumbers, and asparagus, they are counting on what they can grow on the farm. Their youngest son, Aidyn, has also developed a new talent for hunting squirrels, mastering his great-great grandmother’s squirrel soup that was featured in the New York Times in 1907.

Lisa and Elizabeth’s story makes clear that COVID-19 isn’t just affecting big cities. Rural communities are being hit hard too. Lisa and Elizabeth have built a home for themselves, and they’re relying on their land and passion to help them through these difficult times. As they reflect on their drastically different lives from the 1990s when they met, Lisa proclaims how expansive their love has become.  What sprung from their relationship, she explained, is “the love that we put into our space here at woodland harvest and the space that we create for people like you to come and be.” For Elizabeth, Woodland Harvest and living in Appalachia has had a profound impact, an escape of their past everyday life and a rapidly-moving world: “It saved my life. Probably a number of times. I don’t think I can live in that world anymore.”




Why Umbrellas Matter

Whether or not you’ve seen Parasite, 2019 Academy Awards Best Picture, you can probably imagine a rainstorm. When it rains, a person with an umbrella is more likely to stay dry than a person without one. I bring this up because Parasite sharply displays the difference between a family with resources and a family without. When a torrential storm hits Seoul, South Korea, where Parasite is set, the wealthy Park family stays inside their house on a hill, protected by high-walled fences and security cameras on a pristine street. They have returned early from a camping trip and their kids have pitched a tent in the front yard. For them, while disruptive to their camping, this storm is just another storm. Posing no real threat, the rain almost seems romantic.

Meanwhile, across town in a basement unit with only one street-level window, the Kim family is experiencing a devastating flood. They run through streets rushing with runoff and sewage water back to their home, only to find that it has already been infiltrated by the water. They wade around in dirty water and sewage overflow that rises up to their armpits collecting their belongings as best they can. Flooded out of their home, they spend the night on the floor of a communal shelter. 

The entire film makes clear the differences between the Parks and the Kims, but the rainstorm scene gets to the heart of why these difference smatter. Climatology and the class struggle are intimately related. In the face of an ecological disaster, not every person is affected equally. This is not a new phenomenon. Climate change has always been an issue that transcends economic, social, and racial differences. 

It is impossible to separate our lived experiences from our environments. Our environments are the homes we occupy, the neighborhoods we live in, and the cities and towns in which we reside. Having control over our environments gives us power and that power comes with the privilege of choice. Did we choose the spaces we occupy? Did we choose our neighborhoods? Did we choose our cities? Did we have any other options? The environments that marginalized people have been relegated to historically are ones with sub-optimal conditions–– outdated infrastructure, lack of grocery stores, close proximity to freeway traffic and factories. This wasn’t their choice; it was made for them.

While Parasite was widely celebrated in the U.S., there has been little focus on the environmental justice issues portrayed. The film clearly distinguishes the wealth gap between the Parks and Kims, something any viewer could pick up on. Looking closer at the environmental conditions of the families— the disparate impacts of the torrential rainstorm and exposure pollution — is easier to miss.  A family like the Kims that lives in poverty will experience less sanitary housing conditions, and be vulnerable to a plethora of health hazards like flooding. It is less likely that a family like the Parks that has the means to afford property in a nicer neighborhood on a hill with paid help would ever experience those same conditions. That few American reviewers have paid attention to the environmental dimensions of the film is hardly surprising —in the United States, environmental injustices like this have long gone unnoticed.

In the mid-twentieth century, people with the ability to choose their neighborhoods and homes (often white, middle-upper class) moved to the suburbs to escape worsening living conditions in cities. Much like the living conditions of the Kim Family, often unclean, close quartered, and unprotected to weather and disease, inner-city housing has long been a health hazard with the expansion of urban development and industrialization. At this same time, housing laws largely relegated Black people to those inner-city housing options and excluded them from buying valuable property outside city centers. 

Generations later, many Black Americans find themselves living in neighborhoods with a plethora of environmental issues. Compared to affluent, predominantly white neighborhoods, neighborhoods with vulnerable populations have historically been forced to confront issues they did not create. Parasite shows what happens in the face of extreme weather: the rich are relatively unaffected while the destitute are devastated. Non-extreme scenarios play out like this every day for those who live in poverty, or are affected by environmental racism. Even in the face of a massive storm, those who have the privilege to not be affected will rarely pay attention to the damage.

As the global climate crisis continues to escalate, the poorer communities on the frontlines, as portrayed in Parasite by the Kim family, will continue to disproportionately suffer the consequences. People with wealth and access to resources will experience the same rainstorms, but can raise their umbrellas for protection. It is because of this that governments must step up to ask who are the most vulnerable, address the systemic issues that disproportionately affect lower-resourced groups (and that people in dominant social groups can often overcome without assistance, and empower those vulnerable communities in the face of climate challenges. Access to adequate and affordable housing, universal healthcare, and jobs to bolster the renewable energy sector are all part of larger solutions needed to address structural inequality. When the rainstorm comes we need government resources to provide umbrellas for those who can’t afford their own.