Letter to the Editor

Re: “Down and out in upscale Japan” (10/26/14) by Tom Benner:

Benner addresses Japan’s precarious rate of unemployment. However he focuses too much on the economic decline to notice the real problem: the lack of government aid for the homeless. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government survey on the homeless population is incomplete, a poor reflection of recently elected Tokyo Governor Yoichi Masuzoe’s strong stance on social welfare issues. Hiroshi Ito cites the government’s investment into job training programs as the key to the decreased recorded population. However, what Ito ignores is that the majority of the homeless population face discrimination in the workplace for being older.

In fact the majority of Japan’s population is 60 and above. In contrast to the situation of the rising middle class, there is no long-term plan in place to provide security for the elderly population, who due to the economic decline may lose their jobs. Instead of pouring money into social security for the elderly, the government focuses on the welfare benefit tied to seikatsu hogo, the livelihood protection law. While the welfare benefit provides shelter, citizens are expected to find a job and leave after 3 months.

In a park in Osaka the number of homeless people has grown so big and self-sufficient that they’ve founded their own association. They put their once-paid skills to use as gardeners and scavengers. It looks more like a homeless commune than a government shelter. This community of blue tarps tied to nearby trees is not a permanent one, but until the government actually steps in, it’ll have to do.

33 thoughts on “Letter to the Editor

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  2. Hai avuto difficoltà ad avere un’erezione? O forse sei arrivato qui perché sei curioso.

    Se ti stai chiedendo l’età in cui un uomo smette di diventare duro, beh, continua a leggere.

    Innanzitutto, sappi che la disfunzione erettile (DE) colpisce circa 30 milioni di uomini negli Stati Uniti.

    Quindi, se hai difficoltà a prepararti per l’attività sessuale: non sei solo.

    La disfunzione erettile, nota anche come impotenza, si verifica quando non si è in grado di ottenere o mantenere un’erezione che consenta il sesso.

    E mentre può accadere per gli uomini più giovani, si stima che quando un uomo ha 40 anni, c’è una probabilità del 40 percento che sperimenterà una qualche forma di disfunzione erettile – e questo fattore cresce del 10 percento ogni decennio successivo.

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