You spoke, we listened — highlights below, more information and details:

Email with any classroom computing and media equipment needs or concerns, including software requests and requests for training on classroom equipment. (You can also always call x3333.)

By Valentine’s Day, if the computer, projector, or remote in your classroom isn’t working, we will provide one on the spot from a “crash cart” so you can continue teaching.

Make outgoing calls from classrooms to a non-Wellesley phone number — contact Lisa Diethelm for an authorization code.

Save bookmarks, login faster, and save files to the computer’s desktop — they won’t be erased when the computer is restarted and should remain in place for the entire semester.

Get help installing software on instructor workstations — software will stay on an instructor workstation for the full semester. Email or call x3333.

If you call in a classroom problem that an IS staff member can’t fix immediately, all the faculty will be notified who teach in that room about the problem, and the fix, when it happens.