7/10 5pm to 7/13 am Blog additions/editing unavailable

We are moving our WordPress blogs from a server on-campus to a cloud hosted environment. Our vendor will be copying our blogs to their servers over the weekend, beginning tomorrow, Friday 7/10 at 5pm. We expect the migration to be complete by Monday morning — I will post when blogs are available for editing in their new location.

Blogs will be available during this time, but if possible, please refrain from posting until we can let you into the new environment. If you do post on our current environment, we’ll just need to repost your blog post.

(We expect to benefit from a cloud-hosting in similar ways to our cloud-hosted college website — 1. blogs will have a more reliable “uptime” because they won’t be interrupted by on-campus work, and 2. our vendor works extensively with WordPress and higher education and will assist us with upgrades and systems support. How you interact with your blog — logging in, posting, their URL addresses, etc. will be the same.)

If you have any questions about this move, please let me know.

To: Blog owners
From, more info: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171


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