Welcome to the Wellesley College Summer Research Program
2021 Virtual Presentations
![Photo of the Data Lounge in the Wellesley College Science Center](https://blogs.wellesley.edu/srp2021/files/2021/09/Sci-Ctr-Data-Lab.jpg)
Every year, Wellesley College offers a paid research program for students interested in spending their summer doing natural and social science research at Wellesley with our faculty members. These programs are open to all continuing Wellesley students with an interest in conducting research. This year, the Summer Research Program was hybrid, where 83 students participated on-campus and 67 students participated remotely, totaling 150 students who conducted research with 59 Wellesley faculty and staff members. The program ended with a keynote address from Dr. Michael Jeffries, Dean of Academic Affairs, Class of 1949 Professor in Ethics, and Professor of American Studies and presentations of the students’ work.
Research abstracts are available on the individual project pages linked from discipline pages to the left. If you’re unsure how to find the presentations that interest you, use the search box on the lower left side of the page. Please note that some research pages have been password protected for added security. For these research pages, please contact the faculty supervisor for permission to view the presentations.