After a brief hiatus, The Dirt, a campus blog that promises to be your go-to source for the inside scoop on the day-to-day happenings related to Wellesley’s Campus Renewal projects, has returned. If you’re reading this in your email, congrats! As a denizen of the Science Center, Simpson, or Stone, you’ve been automatically subscribed to receive these updates. Information posted here will include updates related to the project from the College’s campus facilities and communications offices.
Initial phases of the work have already begun. Science faculty members have been working tirelessly along with Ann Velenchik, Cathy Summa, and the project team to plan for the transition out of the L-wing. Overall, this renovation is a significant undertaking that will affect much of the campus over the next several years.
If you’ve been on Science Hill then you know that parking has been relocated from Gray Lot to make room for the temporary modular classrooms, offices and laboratories that will be situated in that space.