Upcoming AAA meetings

I apologize for my blog silence of late. It has been a busy few weeks of writing. Later this week I am headed to the AAA meetings in San Francisco, however, and I will try to provide some updates on the conference while I am away. There is actually quite a lot of interesting biological anthropology at this year’s conference. The Biological Anthropology section and Evolutionary Anthropology section of AAA have a rundown of the sessions they are sponsoring. In addition, together with Jamie Clark (Univ. Alaska-Fairbanks), I am co-organizing an AAA Executive Committee-sponsored interdisciplinary session on modern human origins that will take place Saturday afternoon and, I think, will be quite interesting. Here is a brief rundown of our panelists:

When: Saturday, November 17, 2012: 1:45 PM-5:30 PM

* Blurred Boundaries and Constructed Niches: Interweaving the Individual, the Group and the Community In Human EvolutionAgustin Fuentes (University of Notre Dame)
* Why Humans (especially simple foragers) Are So EgalitarianFrank W Marlowe (Cambridge University)
* Territoriality, Tolerance and Testosterone: Hormonal Correlates of Male Chimpanzee Behavior and Their Implications for Human EvolutionMarissa Sobolewski (University of Michigan), John Mitani (University of Michigan) and Janine Brown (Smithsonian Institution)
* A Primate Perspective On the Evolution of Human Life HistoryTanya M Smith (Harvard University), Andrew Bernard (Freelance Nature Photographer), Ronan Donovan (Freelance Nature Photographer), Zarin Machanda (Harvard University), Amanda Papakyrikos (Wellesley College) and Richard Wrangham (Harvard University)
* Childhood, Play and the Evolution of Cultural Capacity In Neanderthals and Early Modern HumansApril Nowell (University of Victoria and University of Victoria)
* Discussant – Milford Wolpoff (University of Michigan)
BREAK (3:15-3:30)
* Fuzzy Boundaries: The Importance of High-Resolution Datasets for Studying Behavioral Change Across Transitional Periods In the Later PleistoceneJamie L Clark (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
* Cultural Diversity and Rates of Change In Structured Populations: A Review of Some Recent Models and Their Implications for Understanding the Appearance of Behavioral Modernity During the PaleolithicLuke Premo (Washington State University and Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)
* Neandertal Genetics: Drawing a New Boundary for HumanityJohn Hawks (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
* If Not the Neandertals: Reproductive Barriers and Speciation In the PleistoceneAdam P Van Arsdale (Wellesley College)
* Working Hard or Hardly Working? A Preliminary Study of the Metabolic Costs of Stone KnappingEric Martin Heffter (University of Arizona), David Raichlen (U of Arizona and University of Arizona) and Steven Kuhn (University of Arizona)
* Language, Myth and the Symbolic Mind: Cultural Anthropology Enters the Middle Stone AgeAlan J Barnard (University of Edinburgh and University of Edinburgh)
* Discussant – Julien Riel-Salvatore (University of Colorado-Denver)

I know that for a number of our panelists, this will be a first-time visit to AAAs, something that Jamie and I had as a goal. Should be fun. Now back to writing…

About Adam Van Arsdale

I am biological anthropologist with a specialization in paleoanthropology. My research focuses on the pattern of evolutionary change in humans over the past two million years, with an emphasis on the early evolution and dispersal of our genus, Homo. My work spans a number of areas including comparative anatomy, genetics and demography.
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