Meet Meg!

Hello Class of 2015!

My name is Meg and I am one of the Student Orientation Coordinators this year. I am a rising senior (I can’t believe it!) and a Peace and Justice Studies Major. I absolutely love Wellesley, and I hope you will too.

I fell in love with Orientation my first year when I suddenly found myself surrounded by the most amazing women I had ever met in my entire life. I’m thrilled to be a part of creating a great experience that will be fun and informative this year.

This summer, when I’m not working on designing an incredible week for all you new students, I’ll be spending as much time in Boston as possible. I studied abroad for part of last year and my program was focused on cities; I traveled to Detroit, Michigan, Sao Paulo and Curitiba, Brazil, Cape Town, South Africa, and Hanoi, Vietnam. While studying cities internationally, I became captivated by urban spaces of all kinds. I hope to use this summer as a chance to get to know the city in Wellesley’s back yard.

Other than traveling as much as possible, some of my other interests include baking, social justice, scrabble, finding quirky tumblrs, and stand up comedy. Some of the activities I have been involved with on campus in the past include Regeneration (our student run farm), Upstage (one of our theater groups), Residential Life, Habitat for Humanity, and Mission Change (a campus queer advocacy group).

I hope you’ll check the blog often, and I cannot wait to meet you.

Sending all my love from Wellesleyland,

Brunch in Cape Town! I'm the one with the red hair on the right.

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