For these two interviews, I talked to two close friends at Wellesley. The focus of my interviews was how each woman uses clothes to change her image in different social situations. These situations are: a normal day of class, a date night, a job interview, and a family gathering. Both women identify on the LGBTQIA spectrum and find themselves considering this identity when choosing their clothes.
The first woman I interviewed, Lily, is a first-year at Wellesley College. Lily is a Chinese-American who was born and raised in Southern California. She describes her personal style as “not too over-the-top Asian.” When deciding what to wear to class, Lily first considers how much time she has to get ready. Often, there is only 10 minutes so she “flips the closet” and throws on “a t-shirt, the first pair of pants” she sees, and runs out the door. On days when Lily has 8:30am pilates, she has twice found herself “just going in pajamas.” If she has a little more time, she’ll consider the weather. Growing up in the mild Southern California climate, she needed to purchase new clothes for the New England fall and winter. She tries not to repeat outfits, but her go-to is a turtleneck sweater and jeans. When asked about if she prefers wearing this outfit to t-shirts and pajamas, Lily says it comes down to how she wants to present herself, “I care somewhat about my looks, but not too much… I’m not a complete slob, but I’m not going to be overdressing for class.” Her motivations to put together an outfit for class have gone down since high school when her “mom used to remind [her] to decide on clothes the day before.” She doesn’t feel the need to impress her classmates because they “understand that you’re a college student and rolling into class at 8:30 is damn early.” (And she finds that many students agree with her.)
The outfit:
How about when Lily needs to dress for a date? To that she continues, “Well then I don’t want to go and be, like, ‘hi, you’re dating a hobo.’” When first planning an outfit for a date, she’ll figure out what the other person is wearing so she isn’t “awkwardly over or underdressed.” She finds that “dressy casual works for most things” and will try on a couple of outfits starting a week ahead of time to make sure she likes the look. Lily explained that she tries “to present pretty feminine.” Lily identifies as bisexual and enjoys dressing androgynously sometimes, depending on the day. The woman she is currently dating “presents pretty masculine” and Lily claims she doesn’t “look nearly as good as her in guy clothes.” By playing up her feminine side, but “not flashy and needy about it,” she feels like she’s complimenting her girlfriend’s style. She pulled out a jacket that she likes to wear on dates. She likes this jacket, which would be paired with skinny jeans and boots, because people compliment her in it “all the time.” Lily also likes the way it accentuates and hides parts of her body: “you can tie up the waist, so I don’t look like a rectangle. But I don’t love the shoulders on this because they’re a little puffy and I have broad shoulders, but it doesn’t seem to bother people.” Sticking to dresses and clothes that compliment, but don’t flaunt, her feminine side give Lily confidence. When asked about how her typical date outfit has changed since high school, she says her style hasn’t changed much except for the fact that she can’t access much of her closet back in California. “Most of the clothes I’d wear on a date are back home because I expected to stay single.”
The Date outfit:
In case of a job interview, Lily has “a very go-to outfit” that she “wears to everything” that is business attire. It is a simple fitted black blazer and skirt with a collared shirt or camisole underneath. She hopes that in this outfit she can look “professional, like I have manners, and that I’m a woman” to employers. This is important to her, and she feels it is important to other people too. Lily has had the outfit for two years. To keep herself “looking polished” she’d probably wear heels and wear some eyeliner, but not so much that she looks “like a hooker in business clothes.” Aside from the watch she wears every day, the only other accessories Lily would add is a simple flower necklace to bring some personality to the outfit that is still “appropriate.”
Job Interview:
The third scenario I presented to Lily, a family gathering, caused her to need a moment to “think this through.” Because she doesn’t see her family often (about every two years) as they live in China, she decides that she’d wear something “more conservative” and ask her mom’s opinion on the outfit. Her goal is to “look like a hard working student” because she’s the youngest in the extended family and the standards are high. Lily picks out wedge heels, a cardigan, tank top, and jeans from her closet. “Just a cami is a bit too exposed… this cardigan is good because it’s not too heavy and goes with a lot of things. These wedges are formal and make your legs look nicer, but they’re not over-the-top in any way.” Modesty is important to her, she doesn’t want to come off “too flashy” in front of older relatives whom she has limited opportunities to see. Seeing family often also means that these gatherings are large, and comfort is necessary, as well as wearing “an outfit people won’t have lots of opinions about. I don’t want to give the impression I’m drawing attention to myself.” Lily explained that like at any family reunion, you don’t want everyone making a fuss over you or to upset your parents, grandparents, or other relatives. She may keep her clothes neutral, but Lily’s personality will show through her makeup: “I do like doing makeup, it’s my personality.” This family-appropriate style was learned from her mom, who helped her pick out clothes for family gatherings since she was a young girl.
Family Outfit:
For my second interview, I went to another close friend who is a junior at Wellesley. Celia was born in Boston but raised in Concord, New Hampshire. She is a white woman who identifies as lesbian. She doesn’t like to give clothing advice, but will often lend out her clothes and seek out the advice of others, including her mother. When getting ready for school, Celia decides what to wear “based on what is clean and what I have to do at the end of the day.” If she has to work out, she’s likely to wear a sports bra and workout clothes layered under her usual outfit. Her go-to is a t-shirt, jeans, and maybe a cardigan: “I’m looking to achieve maximum comfort during class, but I try and not look like a slob. Like I’m at least trying to not look like I’m rolling out of bed to come to class in front of my professors.” Celia describes her style as “lesbonic” and “masculine.” She feels comfortable in these clothes and she’s not looking to impress anyone. However, she does consider how she feels day to day: “I may not wear tight shirts on days when I feels self-conscious about my stomach. I like this shirt because my waist can be pretty slim in it, and the sweater can hide my shoulders and whatever’s going on with my stomach.” Although she feels comfortable in more “masculine” clothing, Celia works hard to stay fit and is proud of her body’s thin, feminine waist. As for her short hair, she will occasionally use wax to style it if “the sink shower” doesn’t tame her bed head. The dramatic haircut she got a year ago, from long to “boy short,” marked a turning point in her daily fashion. “Since college, my style has always been more masculine, but I wouldn’t have worn a sweater like that, and it would have been girl jeans no boy jeans.”
Everyday outfit:
When asked how she’d make an outfit for a date, Celia had a similar response as Lily, “I would be thinking for as long as I knew the date was happening.” Her staple date ensemble includes a black long-sleeve collared shirt, bow tie, skinny jeans, and converse or Vans. “I got this shirt last year. It’s one of the few things I don’t let people borrow because I get upset when it’s not in my closet.” Celia hopes the person she’s with thinks she’s attractive as well as feeling comfortable and attractive herself. She does this by “accentuating both the masculine and the feminine: butt and lack of boobs. But I’m not particularly trying to hide anything.” Continuing this trend to accessories, she would also do her hair, light eyeliner, and wear a watch. Celia says her going out style has changed since the beginning of college when she was “more likely to wear a dress or skirt, and sometimes knee high boots.” She didn’t feel uncomfortable dressing in a traditionally more feminine way, but feels like this new masculine look fits her hair and personal style better.
Date Outfit:
Celia has had the same job every summer for three summers and hasn’t needed to interview in years, but still has a tailored black blazer, dress pants, and basic white collared shirt hanging neatly in her closet. “I bought this with my mother in high school because they’d be useful in professional situations,” she explains, “But I would probably decide what I wanted to wear 48 hours before anyway, in case I needed to get something.” The look she’s going for is “professional, non-gender conforming [referencing the pants].” Adding, “But if I had something more colorful, more feminine, I would wear that under the blazer instead of white.” She would also try and make her hair look more feminine, probably re-dye it (currently black for a performance), and add colorful earrings. Her reasoning behind this is: “I want to still be feminine, yet still walk the line between masculine and feminine, but make it clear to others that I am female. I want to be treated like a woman.” When I asked Celia what it meant to her to be “treated like a woman,” she said, “I think the difference is how men to speak to each other, I wouldn’t want there to be any confusion in a professional system,” and continues into a story about a time this summer when she was casually called “dude” repeatedly by a mechanic fixing her car. Having to consider so much when dressing for a job interview reminds her that she’s “being held to another standard,” and to be treated with respect one must often conform some elements of their appearance.
Celia Job Interview:
When it comes to a family gathering, in Celia’s case Thanksgiving, a lot more needs to be done regarding conformity. For Thanksgiving 2013, Celia wore a red dress borrowed from her sister. It was not at Wellesley and she did not take pictures in it, but she describes the dress as high cut but with open shoulders, and she’d wear a cardigan over it and simple flats. She chose this outfit because she’s “trying to not look like a lesbian.” Although her parents and immediate family are comfortable with her sexuality, Celia is considering her older relatives:
“my grandmother is very [concerned]. My cousin just came out and is bringing his husband to Thanksgiving, and I don’t want to rub it in my grandmother’s face that she has a second, and possibly third [referencing another closeted relative], gay grandchild. For her generation, that’s a failure. A biological dud.”
Having this familial pressure is hard on Celia, but she does the best she can to stay comfortable. She likes dresses that cover her shoulders more because she has “a lot of muscle” that she doesn’t want to hide but wants to avoid “looking disproportionate.” Celia also prefers longer dresses not to hide her legs, but because she “tend[s] to sit like a boy.” Adding, mascara and eye makeup to the look, she removes most of what she wears at college to show her masculine side. However, even when styled, her hair is harder to cover up. “It’s a little weird with my haircut… gender confusing with the short hair.” I asked Celia if she always put so much into changing her dress for extended family, and she said “no” because “I didn’t care about the gay before college, I would have worn jeans and a nice sweater like I did in high school.” After coming out her first year at Wellesley, she’s had to be conscious about what she wears. Before, she was not questioned or judged by her clothing choices. Now as an out lesbian, her clothes are seen by others as more identifying.
Both women i interviewed change their style of dress depending on the audience. They’ve learned to do so from family members and trusted friends who help them decide what’s appropriate for different situations. Yet both are comfortable changing their looks and still find ways to express themselves regardless.