The One About Halloween

I know you might be over Halloween by now, but I still need to talk (or write) about it here because most of the exciting things that happened to me last week were connected to it.

I saw a lot of cool costumes around campus over Halloweekend. Some of my favorites include the person dressed as a banana, the one dressed in a giant panda onesie, and the one dressed as a professional wrestler (if they were someone specific, I don’t know them, my knowledge in the wrestling world is, sadly, very limited).

My friends and I after Munger Mash

As cool as my fellow Wellesley sibs looked though, their costumes couldn’t compare to the ones of the children from the daycare center on campus. As you might probably know, I am working there twice a week. On Monday, I was helping them get dressed in their cute costumes. My favorites were the girl dressed as a pumpkin and the one dressed as the Hulk. After they had the costumes on, we went to the Science Center where students and faculty were handing them candy.

My friends and I also went trick-or-treating on Halloween. We first went to the house of Wellesley’s president, Paula Johnson, where we got candy and some cool decorations. Then, the RAs (resident assistants: they are students, responsible for different sections of the residential halls) in my dorm, Stone-Davis, were giving out candies from their rooms around the halls. Stone-Davis is like a labyrinth, so we were walking around all levels, getting lost.

Speaking of the confusing layout of Stone-D, there was a Scavenger Hunt in the dorm on Monday. Some of my friends participated in that, while some others and I were watching them run around. Honestly, watching how confused everyone was and how much running they did around the hall, I think that watching them from aside was far more entertaining than the actual scavenger hunt.

One cool thing about last week that wasn’t Halloween-related was the LGBTQ+ crafts fair on campus. The idea was for LGBTQ+ students to sell some handmade things they have made. I got two very cute pairs of earrings (one was lemons, the other one was dinosaurs!).

That’s all from me for this week. Stay safe!

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