Ain’t That the Truth…

Well it’s back to grind as they say! Today was the first day
of the Spring 2010 semester, and it wasn’t as tough to come back as I thought
it would be – whew!  

     Don't I look like, super studious?    


We started our semester in an AWESOME way, with
a speech from Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright last night. This is
bad, but honestly I didn’t know she was coming until midday yesterday…less than
eight hours later, I was in the same room with her! (I mean, it was a big room
but it’s still the same.)


Can you believe my camera quit on me? So I had to borrow a pic from:

The overall theme of Albright’s speech was “truth”…how to go
about finding it, and how it looks different to different people. She said that
the pursuit and defense of truth is what a Wellesley education is all about. You
know, even though she graduated in 1959 and I’ve only been here a semester, I
can totally feel that. Whether you’re doing physics research, or analyzing
poetry or learning history, it’s all a search for what is the truth. Once you’re
at Wellesley, you begin to learn how foggy, fascinating, and subjective “the
truth” is.


I know one thing that’s the truth – two of the three female U.S.
Secretaries of State graduated from Wellesley. How’s that for changing the
world? 😉



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