Spreading Love

Wow. College kids get it done. Last Friday I went to an
event called L’Union Fait La Force: Strength Through Unity at MIT. It was a
showcase of local talent, and ALL of the proceeds went to Partners In Health,
which is an organization that gives medical care to people who can’t afford it
in places like Siberia, Peru…and Haiti.  Take
a peek: http://www.pih.org/who/vision.html


The students involved put on an excellent event. The famous linguist
Noam Chomsky was the main speaker, and dancers and musicians from MIT, Berklee
College of Music, and Boston College,(among other places) performed.



As I sat in the audience, I felt so proud be a part of the
Boston area college community. The event ended up raising over $3000.00. There
are those who believe that people around my age are mostly apathetic, cynical, or
just wild. I get the pleasure of seeing those ideas proven wrong every day.

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