Home Stretch

Hello Blog!

It’s the last week before spring break! Luckily, I actually don’t have a lot of midterms this week –  just have the normal amount of problem sets and readings due. I’ll be leading a discussion in my nanoscience class, which should be a lot of work, but I got to choose my article (nanotube detectors for meat spoilage), so I’m having fun with it! Here are a couple highlights from my weekend:

My friend Sydney had her junior carillon recital. We all gathered in the academic quad (where you can hear the bells the best) and listened to her concert. Her theme was the sky and there were pieces about clouds, butterflies, and even the soundtrack from Howl’s Moving Castle (one of my favorite Studio Ghibli movies). It was so impressive and beautiful and even managed to distract everyone from how windy it was out. I love the Spring in the music department because a lot of the upperclassmen prepare full concerts, and it’s really fun to go and support your friends for something they’ve worked so hard at. I’m planning on giving my own senior recital for cello next year!

Some of my  friends from home surprised me by coming to campus because they’re on spring break this week. I took them to our duet’s open tower for the Guild of Carillonneurs and showed them the campus. I love bringing non-Wellesley friends around campus because they always comment on how beautiful it is, and I’m an experienced tour guide by now. We ended up just chatting for hours in my room and I got to introduce them to a lot of my friends at Wellesley. It was such a fun crossover!

Looking ahead to this week, I’m super excited about a concert I’m going to with my friend on Wednesday. It’s for the Chineke! Orchestra, which is a really cool European orchestra that’s making their Boston debut. It’s (Europe’s first) majority Black and ethnically diverse orchestra, and they’re going to be playing compositions by composers of color. The concert hall is pretty close to one of our bus stops (free on week days!) and lots or restaurants, so we’re going to treat ourselves to dinner and a show. Even better, we were able to get heavily discounted tickets and great seats (left balcony so I can see the cellos and my friend can see the pianists hands). 

Until next time,

Jade <3 

the bells!

my friends from home <3

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