Author: Caitlin Bailey
Registration is Coming!
Registration is coming and I can’t decide what to take! I’m realizing that as an upperclasswoman, there are so many fun class options available to me. And I feel much more confident choosing difficult classes because now I have the experience I need to succeed! So far my desired class schedule for next semester consists of two classes at Wellesley…
Thankful for my Family
Time with my family has been just what I’ve needed to feel better and get back on track. It’s funny how every year I see them less and less because of school and work. I really feel like I’m growing up. So when I spend time with my family its like a fun vacation (also it usually actually is vacation…
One week until Spring Break!
Ohh boy. It’s been a long week. I’m feeling a bit under the weather so I’ve been keeping a low profile for the most part. My saving grace has been that I have awesome friends willing to help me when I need it. I’ve been spending as much time in my room resting as I can between classes and there’s…