Author: dkim12

Scoops 4 Days!

I’ll be the first to admit that, sometimes, the dining options at Wellesley and the surrounding area can become a bit repetitive. I mean, there are only so many times you can order Lemon Thai (the go-to Thai spot in the nearby ville), be creative at the salad bars on campus, or get Domino’s for those late-night cheesy cravings. However,…

An Introduction to the ~Edible Ecosystem~

Hope everyone had a wonderful week!   After writing the post on the Pawpaw plant, I realized I really want to tell you guys a bit more about the Edible Ecosystem. Located on the slope below the Whitin Observatory, the Edible Ecosystem Teaching Garden (EETG) is a designed plant community that mimics the properties of a natural ecosystem but produces…

The Wellesley-Boston Commute

This week, I thought I would talk about the shuttle that runs hourly from Wellesley to Boston during the weekdays, the MIT Exchange Bus. In the past, it had (endearingly) been referred to as The Peter, the college’s collective favorite ~boy~. This year, however, the school decided to try out new company, and I would say, as a frequent user…

Have You Heard of the Paw-Paw?

Having spent years on the Wellesley campus, I (foolishly) thought I had seen every nook and cranny of this campus. From the underground tunnels to watching the sunset from rooftops, I thought I had explored every part of this campus to vary degrees.   This week, I found another little gem scattered around campus– The Paw Paw plant.   Located…

Happy October!

Happy October! Since my last post, the weather has done a complete 180- we went from being consistently hot, sticky, and overall an unpleasant mess (can you tell I’m not from around here?) to a cool, cloudy, more fall-appropriate temperature. In other words, my sweaters are at the ready, mugs filled to the brim with alternating hot beverages (currently on…

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