Author: laila

New Moon (check), Turkeybreak (check) and Now for Finals (anticipatory check..I hope!)

I love Wellesley. The campus, the classes, the people. But in the past couple of weeks, my extracurriculars and classes had been piling on top of me, making it difficult to breathe sometimes. I guess it's all about how you frame your day to day– and I like my everyday to be one big bundle of stress. The whole thing…

Swells in a Nutshell. Brought to You by the Wendys of the School.

One thing I found that was really helpful during my college discovery and application process was definitely talking with real students, women who are willing not only to answer one's questions, but provide the real deal on things. Maybe that's why I was so attracted to writing on the blog– the fact is, viewbooks and websites and superficial "virtual tours"…

It’s Only A Welcome When You Say Hello Back.

[I'm on the right. A 'real signs from around the world' exhibit in Copenhagen, Summer 2009] I'm crazy. Well, no, not really.  But that caught your attention, didn't it? In a way, I AM crazy.  I'm a newly-turned-eighteen-year-old sophomore that attends Wellesley College. And the thing is, I don't think any student is sane here— in a wonderfully interesting way,…

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