Swells in a Nutshell. Brought to You by the Wendys of the School.

One thing I found that was really helpful during my college discovery and application process was definitely talking with real students, women who are willing not only to answer one's questions, but provide the real deal on things.

Maybe that's why I was so attracted to writing on the blog– the fact is, viewbooks and websites and superficial "virtual tours" just don't cut it. The college isn't human, doesn't have a face!, until you really talk to the people who live and breathe the school.

So I present a little project of mine: Words from Wendy Wellesley. Wendy's the name of the everyday Wellesley student, stressed out but still living a life of adventure! haha.

I apologize for the "original" video title, but on a happier note, if you have any questions/comments/things you want me to address in the videos, just post a comment! And I will look into covering said subject.


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