Author: lcamargo

Pockets of Resistance – DIS Barcelona

The self-reflection I’ve done in the past four months I’ve lived and travelled in Copenhagen and other European cities have mostly been about identity. I find myself redefining who I am and questioning what I thought was obvious or normal when I am in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar people. I’ve come to realize this semester that I find comfort in…

jeg elsker København fordi det er en hyggeligt by

So I’ve been living in Denmark for over two months. It’s strange because come to love so many things about life here that it feels like it’s been forever. But because of the long travel weeks that interrupt the schedule once a month, my time here feels really segmented. I just got back from Prague on Monday, and the week’s already over.…

This is the place…(Budapest, Vienna, Prague) Have you guys seen this video?? it’s the promotional video Wellesley has made for its campaign to raise funds to improve the school. As I was watching it I realized I knew a lot of the people in the video – and how that’s one of Wellesley’s charms. It’s such a small school, with such a distinct community, that you…

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