Author: temple

When They Didn’t Say It Would Be Easy, They Meant It

You know the term “Full-Time Student”? My suggestion is that you take that seriously.   This week, I went to a lunchtime workshop that featured a representative from the Pforzheimer Learning and Teaching Center (PLTC), which is a center for tutoring and educational enrichment in general here at Wellesley.   Everything was going great until she informed us that we…

To the Prospies!

Today is the beginning of Fall Open Campus! I’m with people just like you – young women who are trying to find out if Wellesley is the right school for them.  It’s weird experiencing this from the “current student” perspective. I was a prospie just a few months ago!  “Prospie” is Wellesley-speak for a prospective student, by the way.  I…

Getting Around

Wellesley is a nice place to live, but many students will tell you that we like to get away to Cambridge and Boston. In my opinion, getting away is easier said than done.   Now, many of my East Coast buddies are totally acclimated to public transportation. Subways, buses, trains – they’ve done it all. I, however, am from a…

Groups and Mentoring

    I’m going to indulge in a stereotype here – if you’re the type of girl who is seriously considering Wellesley, you’re probably involved in some extracurricular activities at your high school. I definitely was – even if I wasn’t in a club, people assumed I was a member!     I intended to take it easy on the extracurricular activities…

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