To the Prospies!

Today is the beginning of Fall Open Campus! I’m
with people just like you – young women who are trying to find out if Wellesley
is the right school for them.  It’s weird experiencing this from the “current student”
perspective. I was a prospie just
a few months ago!  “Prospie” is
Wellesley-speak for a prospective student, by the way. 

I myself went to Spring Open Campus last April. That
weekend is what made my decision to come to Wellesley. The women I met were
welcoming, but I was impressed by more than that. Wellesley struck me as a place where I could
truly learn.  Since we’re in the suburbs and
there aren’t any boys here, there is certainly a lack of distractions. But
“lack of distractions” would just be boring if it weren’t for the fact that Wellesley is so supportive. It sounds cheesy and abstract, but you get the sense that
Wellesley wants you to succeed. I
certainly hope that the women who are visiting Wellesley now get that same

One of our visitors and I!

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